
Stinging plant? ouch?

by Guest66727  |  earlier

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i live in florida and i went for a walk in a trail and i brushed past a plant and it stung me! it hurt like h**l the first few seconds but then it began to swell up my finger, a few hours later it subsided.

it mainly grew near/in shallow water and it resembled sort of a wheat-type plant because it had many quills. what is it called?




  1. It sounds like a Nettle. Next time your around it, and need to go through it. Hold your breath, and it wont sting you. I know it sounds dumb, but it works. I dont know how, and I dont know why, but it works. Hold your breath!

  2. Nettle.

    Though the fresh leaves can cause painful stings and acute urticaria, these are rarely seriously harmful (but see remarks in the introductory section regarding the U. ferox, ongaonga or tree nettle of New Zealand). Otherwise most species of nettles are extremely safe and some are even eaten as vegetables after being steamed to remove the stingers.

  3. I'm guessing a nettle.

  4. I live in Florida also.  The effects that you described are similar to what is caused by "tread sofly" or "stinging nettle."  The species is Cnidolscolus stimulosus but it does not resemble a wheat plant.

    Feel free to look it up on the USF plant atlas.

  5. could it have been a caterpillar on a leaf that you brushed against . that happened to me

  6. It's a Nettle.A very interesting thing about the nettle plant is that the remedy of it's sting is right next to it.Yes,you might have noticed a Dock plant,it grows beside the nettle the next tome you get stung by it,dont worry.You now know what to look out for.Just pluck it's leaf and rub it on the affected area.
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