
Stinky Suitcase Problem...?

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I bought this really awsome suitcase from a used store.....but I didn't open...I brought it home and quess what...IT STINKS!!!!!

What can I do...I've cleaned and cleaned and cleaned it...I just can't seem to figure this out..Help!!!




  1. Open the suitcase, out on the lawn, in the early morning.  Sprinkle 1/2 box baking soda in each half of the suitcase.  Spread it around, in the nooks and crannys. Let it sit out in the sunlight for an entire day.

    At the end of the day, turn the suitcase upside down, and tap it so the baking soda is dislodged.

    Vacuum the suitcase, then put in several fabric softener sheets in the fragrance of your choice, and close up for a day.

    You should have a sweet, clean, nice smelling suitcase.

    This also works for stinky shoes.

  2. One part vinegar to three parts water and spray it one until

    wet but not drenching and let dry.

  3. There is nothing wrong with getting good deals. Your problem can be solved. There are two things I can recommend from experience. Buy Bounce Fabric softener Dryer Sheets and rub it all inside the suit case. Leave several inside the suitcase after you rub the others all inside. If this doesn't work use Fabreze spray for fabric. Good Luck. Hope these helps.

  4. Although you did not indicate what kind of smell seems to emanate from the inside of the formerly-locked suitcase, it is probably the result of mold or mildew residue from something stored in it before. Usually, it is soiled clothes that are forgotten for some time, or toiletries that have leaked or spilled inside.

    You said you cleaned it well. I assume you used the usual products. Have you tried a commercial fabric deodorizer called Febreze? I used it a couple of years ago on a piece of luggage, with good success. You have to spray the interior, then use a scrub brush to get the liquid down into the fabric of the suitcase, let stand and dry overnight with the suitcase open. Then repeat the process again a second time, and let dry. It can kill bacteria that can cause the odors to resist cleaning normally. (The product contains some alcohol, so don't use it near heat or flame.) Here is a website for the company to check this product out. (It is a Proctor & Gamble product) :

  5. Put something on it, like Febreeze and then leave it outside for a while.

  6. From my experience with husband getting sprayed by skunk:  First, try Febreze.  This worked for my husband's clothes that I had washed twice with no result; Febrezed them and the smell was gone.

    Second skunk encounter involved skunk getting locked into my garage overnight with my dog.  The heater unit is in the garage.  So was my car.  The heater was on and the skunk sprayed all neighbors swore by something they got at Home Depot called "Odo-Ban".  I can't swear it helped because my nose was ruined for days, and there was no way to spray everything (my car smelled like skunk for months), but my neighbors said it cleared up skunk spray that was tracked into their carpet... I just had to take their word for it!

  7. ~~Stuff it with newspaper and leave overnight or longer, newsprint removes odors. Then when you store it put some dryer sheets in it. It will be fresh smelling from then on, and so will any clothes you put in there!~~

  8. That's why the sell NEW suitcases.

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