
Stirrup problems??

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whenever i ride, it seems like my foot slips back too far in the stirrups so that where the heel of my boot is, thats where my foot is in the stirrup. i know its wrong and a saftey hazard, but what can i do to avoid it? i can fix it by slipping my foot thru but it just keeps happening




  1. Shorten your stirrup leathers to jumping length, so that you put weight on the ball of your feet. Your heels should be down. Grip tight with your calf muscles. Use rubber tread grips in your stirrups. Happy riding :-) (Ire)

  2. you should try pushing your knee down into your saddle more

  3. Ive had that happen to me a few times before (western saddle) but I managed to fix it by putting my feet forward.

  4. First of all I would shorten your stirrup one hole, then work on pushing your heels down and forward.  For safety help, I would suggest buying a pair of peacock stirrups with pads.

    Hope this helps!!!

  5. maybey shorten your sturrups so that you can put more pressure on your legs and keep your feet in

  6. it all happens with a proper posisition and learning to keep some of your weight in your heels, maybe a few rides on the lunge line and help you devlop a correct posisition =]]

  7. I would practice holding two point and flexing into your ankle. The stirrup is sliding because your heel is raised.

    You might also want to try shortening your stirrups by a hole. It may or may not help but it is work a try.

  8. I would either.

    Shorten your stirrups and concentrate on keeping your heels down, buying toe stoppers and concentarting on keeping your heels down!

  9. Buy stirrup pads that are metal (they look like a cheese shredder) they aren't expensive and your boots will never slip =)

  10. lower your heals if you not already doing that. shorten your stirrup but not to wear your legs are going over the saddle. that will put more pressure on your feet. good luck

  11. First you will have to work on strengthening your leg. If you want a cheating way of doing it, use duck tape across the front of your stirrup. Make it bow out so only enough of your foot can get in the stirrup. Make sure you cover the entire front so your foot can't slip under it and get stuck. This will NOT fix the issue but it has helped a couple people I know. Another way is to wrap the bottom of your stirrup with vetwrap to help keep your foot from sliding so much. It makes your stirrup a little tacky.
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