
Stirrups that attach to your boot?!?

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So I'm watching showjumping - the ATCO Power Elizabeth II Cup at Spruce Meadows in Calgary (on TV of course) and the announcer just commented on a new type of stirrup that one of the riders is using. They attach to the rider's boot like ski boot bindings "so you don't lose it". Uh, ...WHAT? That sounds about as good of an idea as a helmet that breaks upon impact, or blindfolding your horse before a course, or replacing the water in your water bottle with tequila...

I did a quick Google search for these ridiculous-sounding stirrups, but came up with nothing. What the HECK are these things called and is anyone familiar with them? They showed a close-up of the rider's foot and it looked like he was riding in peacock stirrups without a rubber band (i.e., there was no outer part of the stirup to be seen). I am completely baffled yet morbidly curious. And no, I do not intend to buy any!




  1. haha Tb eventer thats what i was jsut thinking. Were they like easy grip stirrups or something

  2. I agree with you, Lusitano and everybody else.  True an English saddle has the bars that you can set down so that if you do come off the leathers will slide off too and you don't get drug, but WOW, that's a wreck waiting to happen!

    How many folks are going to make sure that their stirrup guards are in the "down" position or that they are lubicated enough that they will readily go down so that the leather can slide off of it if the rider comes off?

    I had a friend in '74 that was drug for a good ways before her Argentine saddle finally released the leathers...

  3. Uh, try learning to ride instead of having to lock your foot in.  Geez, what will they come up with next?  Seatbelts?

    Heck, I never even liked the idea of the clips on bike pedals that lock you in because if you fall or have to stop suddenly, you get a big wreck.  But at least a bike doesn't have a brain to think (or not think) and do what it wants.  Last time I check, bikes didn't spook at rocks.  You couldn't pay me to ride a bike like that much less a horse.  That's a death wish for SURE!

  4. jeez, when i read the title i immediately though "god, that's stupid, do they have a death wish??"

    but Mountain horse is making boots and stirrups that "lock" to keep your heel down, but they only stay when you have the downward pressure, so if you were to fall they come apart.

    i personally like the ability to quickly remove my foot in order to do an emergency dismount.. but whatever floats your boat?!

    -and the other thing, if they are at the level to do te ATCO shows things, they should be able to jump the course WITHOUT the stirrup, and not need to be attached.

    weird and scary =/


    this is what mountian horse has, a good idea i guess but like you, i like my classic!

    these are some interesting designs, that sound kind of similar to what you described

  5. This is coming from an old saddle bronc rider. THAT IS A FREAKING DEATH TRAP!!!!! Kinda like the law that California trys to pass every few years that requires anybody who rides horseback wears a seat belt. Again its a death trap. I have blown my stirrup a few time and that is what saved my life. This, like you said, is a horrible idea. I highly recommend DO NOT EVER BUY THOSE THING UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE HURT!!. Please folks stay away.

  6. I can't find anything about it and the whole idea of actually attaching your foot to the stirrup is quite horrendous.

    The Mountain Horse interlock system  - as far as I can find - is just a matter of grips

    which actually makes sense in a way.

    I had enough accidents riding a bicycle with pedal cages on  - I certainly wouldn't want similar on a horse.

    Whatever next - seat belts ?

    Edit> Julianne -obviously we think along the same lines !

  7. Whaaat?!

    I couldn't tell ya what they're called, I've never heard of such things. All I can say is whoever wears them obviously has a death wish... that's insanity.

    The last thing I would want is to be strapped to something that has a mind of its own, AND going over jumps??! Noooo thank you.

    I'm interested now in knowing what these stirrups are all about, I might be back with some research if i can find anything on them...


  8. What I think they are made for is people that have trouble keeping their feet in stirrups. My friend has a pair and her boot lock into the place and they had to be calibrated to her weight. They are rather cool, but do look dangerous (when they arent) to someone who does not know what they are for or how they work. She has a club foot and therefore cannot push her ankle down and she sometimes would loose her stirrup over fences so these helped alot. Also from falling, they are made to unlock if enough weight is applied to them so you cannot attatch to them if you fall, so they are safe in that manner. Pretty much they are glorified

    cheese-grater stirrups that help keep your feet in place. I hope that this helps!

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