
Stitched too tight after birth?

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I had second degree tear giving birth to my son. At 6 weeks postpartrum my midwife did an internal exam using her finger, and I felt a very unbearable sharp pain. She told me it's normal. At 3 months postpartum, I was examined by another midwife, I told her that I still feel uncomfortable at my bottom while sitting. She investigated and told me that I was "healed too tight". I was wondering how can I heal too tight without a stitch? I suspect the stitches were too tight. I'm very frustrated because I was told to have another surgery to cut it open. I haven't had s*x 4 months postpartum now since my perineam area still feels very very uncomfortable. Has anyone experienced the same? I also wonder how I can take care of my baby after the surgery who is 21 lbs now. I'm also afraid that all the area need to be cut. I had a lot of stitches while giving birth.




  1. I am sorry to say this because I am sure its not what you want to hear, but you will need to have that fixed if you ever want to have a normal s*x life without pain.  My mom was stiched up to tight after she had me and she suffered for years before finally deciding to get the proceedure done.  Its not any worse that postpartum, in fact its a little better because its not painful from being stretched just the incision.  Its probably from an inexperienced doctor who did to much after the delivery.  

  2. I tore sooo bad having my son and i also had to be cut. Everything healed fine though and personally i have never heard of being stitched too tight. I'm sure its possible. I was sore up until maybe a month or two ago. (My son is now one!) Not really sore more like uncomfortable when i would sit on the floor or even the toilet. s*x is fine though.

    It does sound like you need to do something about it. If you can take care of your baby after you had her this should be a breeze!  

  3. If I was your husband or boyfriend I would support you 110% and tell you to do what you have to in order to bring yourself back to good health. Hope you get some good answers.  

  4. Maybe you can start working it and loosening it up. If they cut you, they could cut too much and you'd be "loose" or more loose than you would like. Try massaging the area with olive oil and vegetable oil for several minutes everyday.

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