
Stitches on my tongue thanks to my orthodontist? HELP!!!!?

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OK. Bare with me here. I’ve had braces since July 2006 I had the same ortho until November 2007; I had to get a new one because the old one retired. The new one now has done nothing to my teeth. He first treated me in December 2007, after a trip, I had a big gap in my lower teeth. When I got back to my next appointment in Feb 2008 (I missed the one in January) I told him about it. And he did nothing. well in the begging of my treatment I had an expender, because I had an over bite, that got taken care off and taken off in Dec 2006 now this one put another kind of wire on the top part of my month in May 2008 so I’ve had it for more then 2 months. He said it’s for a cross bite. And the wire had badly cut my tongue. I can’t eat, I can’t swallow. At first I was told that this rarely happen, and then I was told it was common. And I just went to get the teeth cleaned yesterday and the doctor told me that I’m going to need to get stitches. The cut has gotten bigger in the last 3 weeks. [I’m going to get the stitches on Friday] And on top of that the ortho finally decided to close the gap that I mentioned earlier. He put a double chain and a thicker wire.

Should I sue? Should I change ortho?

Oh and on top of that, we started out owing $4,800 and after 2 years, we still owe $3,500.

For some reason we send $150 a month and they only take $90, and if I change dentist, I’m going to have to start paying all over again...

And by the way this dentist told I’m not going to get my braces taken off until May 2009 and I’m going to have this wire until December.

Any comments? Suggestion? Anything is helpful! Thanks!




  1. accually i cannot believe im reading this. the same exact thing happend to me a few years back. i had to go to an oral surgeon. i had an appliance on the top of my mouth and it dug in to my tounge for over 5 months.

    I switched orthodontists in the next few months. it looked kind of simular if i had a picture i would show you.

    but change orthodontists and the orthodontist should be the one to pay for the surgery due to lack of attention to the problem. my orthodontist did.

    well i hope everything workss out for you :)

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