
Stock Exchange - NYSE/AMEX & NASDAQ?

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Hi, I am a newbie in stock exchange market and have the following questions.

What's the difference between NYSE/AMEX and NASDAQ?

as I know, NASDAQ is a automated system that help buy/sell stock automatic. however, what does it mean by NYSE listed or NASDAQ listed stock, isn't it we are trading the same stock no matter what system they are at? if I buy/sell a stock (e.g. FBTX - NYSE stock) over the online broker account, let's say tdameritrade, is that means I am trading over the automated system, if so, it is a NASDAQ system? kind of confuse.

my second question is: I got an answer for telling whether a stock is NYSE/AMEX or NASDAQ stock base on its symbol,

1,2,3 letter - NYSE and 4 letter was NASDAQ, however, why the FBTX is a NYSE stock?

please help. thanks.




  1. The following link is a tad bit technical but it gives some starting reference points to look up elsewhere, and it is authoritative:

    Go to the ten exchanges listed and each one will have a history page(s).

    As for the odd-symboled stock, some companies move up. NASDAQ has a largely small technical company representation. NYSE expects some solidness and stability that NASDAQ doesn't. Sometimes, then, when a company feels it is sufficiently "ready for prime time" they move up. Think of the exchanges as major league baseball.  Chicago, Boston, and Philadelphia have minor league teams while NYSE and NASDAQ are the majors. Just the same, if you were a good baseball player, would you rather play for the Yankees, or the Mets? FBTX moved to the Yankees.

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