I was wondering if it is worth it to invest in a stock even if I don't have much money to start. Is it difficult. Basically here's my question, if I buy one or two shares of a stock, say Apple just for an example, slowly over time buy more and more shares, is it worth my investment in the long run. I know no one can tell exactly how a certain stock will do, but I have always assumed buying and trading was for rich or very knowledgeable people when it comes to finance. I am 22 and don't have a ton of money, but I want to have some investments, is buying stock the way to go or are there better investment opportunities for people with a more limited budget.
I just see commercials for etrade and other places that make buying and trading look simple, but do people really make money if they don't initially invest a lot, I guess I am just confused about the process and outcome, any advice