This is coming straight from Jim Cramers book Real Money:
"Now, you dive $27 - last price paid for stock-by $2.18 (companies eps), and you get 12. Thats the magic number you need to know, Maytag trades at 12 times earnings. You are paying 12 times Maytag's previous earnings per share for each share that you buy. That's the real price. The (M)ultiple, 12, times $2.18, the (E)arnings per share, equals the (P)rice per share. We express the price as an equation: M x E = P."
Okay, I understand that but....
"You should always remember this equation as a way to understand how we arrive at prices. We take the earning and we figure out what we are willing to pay for the earnings-the multiple-then we times them and arrive at the price. This formula can also help us figure out future prices. If we know what the earnings estimates are going to be (E) and we can figure out what we might be willing to pay for those earnings (M) we can arrive at a future price or we can figure how much above or below a stock might be from where it might trade in the future.
What are earning estimates listed under? Or where do I find them?
Also where do I find a companies pattern of EPS so I can determine if they will grow.
And If you can, explain how I can get to a future price of a share with that formula.
Thank you!!!