
Stock investments?

by Guest59756  |  earlier

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How did you learn so much about stocks and what to invest in?




  1. In addition to Vanguard, and also have interesting stuff.

    As far as deciding what is good or bad, one rule is to know your business.  If you are a techy type, then know what Best buy and Circuit city and Rex are up to and study their price behavior.  Yahoo Finance also has a lot of resources.

  2. You have to study, and try to learn as much as you can before you invest one penny.  To be successful, it does take work.

    Before you invest in any security, the first investment you should make is in yourself, and the best investment you can make is by educating yourself.

    Start your education by learning why you should invest and the importance of being able to make your own decisions or what the pro’s make theirs.

    Start by reading,

    What Works on Wall Street by James O'Shaunessey

    Beating the Street by Peter Lynch

    One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch

    The Warren Buffett Way by Robert Hagstrom

    How to Make Money in Stocks” by William O’Neil

    Get into the habit of making daily visits to some websites like MSN Money

    and Yahoo Finance.

    While at MSN following the strategy lab analysts to get a feel for what the pros are doing and why.  This site has some basic information for beginners. If any site offers free information, take it.

    Other website that can provide instructions and help with procedures and terminology are

    Investopedia -  Stock Charts -

    Visit some of the more professional websites like Zacks -

    Smart Money -  Schaeffer’s –

    Some of these web sites will have advertisers who are worth looking into also.  And remember, if they offer free information, get it.

    Attend all the free seminars you can, just be careful and don’t get pressured into anything you really don’t want or need. Most schools offer courses in finance and economics, but very few will have courses on the mechanics of the investment markets, if they do try taking the course. You may want to consider on-line courses, the New York Institute of Finance use to have such courses.  Try to get some fee information from the stocks exchanges they all have (had) free booklets, SIAC and some of the regulators (FINRA SEC MSRB CBOE) may provide some free literature.

  3. READ!

  4. READ: The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing: Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer, Michael LeBoeuf, John C. Bogle

    Unless you are an experienced investor, I would caution against individual stocks and get rich quick schemes. Reduce your risk and

    check out Vanguard ( )

    Now is an excellent time to put your money to work. Spread the risk by investing in a mutual fund (Vanguard's STAR is a fund of funds-a fund which buys shares in other funds-and therefore carries a lower risk) . It is comprised of 65% stocks and 35% bonds.

    Make sure any high interest loans/credit cards are paid off and you have 2-3 months emergency cash before investing.

    Vanguard is a low cost, no load mutual fund company. There are others; I have been with them for 30 years and retired early. Your results may vary.

    Read the "Planning and Education" tab if you visti their website.

    Good luck

  5. REad REad Read.... check out msn money, motley fool, the news, your bank etc.   go to library adn start reading. read wall street journal etc.

    also for very basic investing you can watch the stock reports adn biz news daily.

  6. Although my major is Business in University, I am not sure if it's really proper way to invest in Stock...

    However, be brave enough, be confident enough, what's more, always be aware of the real situation, but not the words from "expertise". :)

    Good luck.
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