
Stock market: General Motors a Walking Dead Man?

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How is it possible that a company can suffer such horrendous losses and not die? Will the stock go to $2/share?




  1. I dont think so... they will totally revamp their strategies and start making more fuel efficient, compact models and sort of model themselves after Toyota.   They wont go under, but Ford might.  

  2. Whatver...

    GM is crushing two corvettes a minute (yes, that is how much money they are losing- every second of the day...)

    Their only hope is deep Europe, like Russia and Asia, like China (where they love Buicks) and India.  India has a one-up on them because Tata Motors is building cheap and reliable cars for like under three grand.

    Not only that but Tata also just bought LandRover and Saab from Ford Motor.

    GM will be broken up and flounder.

    And they says, as goes GM goes the economy.

    Well, i hate to break the news...

  3. Don't confuse earnings with cash flow.  A company that is earning a ton of money can go bankrupt i.e. Steve and Barry's.  Cash flow determines bankruptcy more than earnings.  GM is still able to get cash.  They have a lot of assets that can be liquidated as well.  Could they go bankrupt? Yes.  But losses do not mean they will.  

  4. the stock has been in a downtrend since 1973

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