
Stock market is bad. What should we do with our money?

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Stock market is bad. What should we do with our money?




  1. For savvy investors, pullbacks are actually buying opportunities.

  2. with currencies professional traders earn money no matter which direction the market it heading - some you can find on

  3. do nothing. stock market hasn't reached its bottom yet.

  4. you wait for more pullback where it creates pain, then you jump in there and load up the stocks you expect to go up in the next 6 months-24 monthes

    if you want to make money in stock market, you need to get in when people are selling due to panic

    I bought Google Call, Honeywell Call, and loaded up some Citi :)

  5. Putting in fixed deposits is still worst where inflation rate is high. (5 to 9%).

    Better stay invested or go for  long term investment in stock.

    If you can;   try derivatives / future/commodities or forex

  6. Try trading some in crude oil.It's going up like a rocket.

  7. The stock market is NOT bad,

    good investors and/or traders make money in a good market or a bad market

    There are many bargins out there, and good investment and trading opportunities

  8. It depends on what the money is being used for.  If it is money that you plan to use sometime in the near future, that you are saving for a particular purchase, or for emergencies then it is best to have it in a cd or money market account where it still earns interest and is safe.

    If it is money you are saving for retirement, that you plan not to touch for 20 ,30 years then stocks are still the best investment.  While investing in individuals stocks may be too risky for inexperienced investors you should look into stock mutual funds, particularly index funds.

  9. If you think the stock market is bad, then put your money in CDs, savings accounts, money markets, etc.  Lots of alternatives out there.

    But I agree with some of the other folks here, investing in the market (now) is an excellent time to pick-up a bargain or two.  If you want to be a successful investor, you need to be somewhat of a contrarian.  I'd hate to see you pick-up some stocks at a discount, but give it some thought.

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