
Stockbrokers wages?...?

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Do stockbrokers tend to make a lot of money? What about during the depression, did stockbrokers loose their money and jobs?

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  1. Stock brokers that work for brokerage firms that are owned by banks make a decent wage 65,000-100,000), those that work for regular brokerage firms work primarily on commissions, Yes the make very good money. (100-300)

    During the depression, stock broker did loose their jobs.  It wasn't that they lost money, they just didn't generate any commissions,

  2. During the depression, money wasn't worth anything. Gold was worth everything.

  3. Yes, yes, and yes.  You have to bring in the customers to make a lot of money.

  4. yeah they bank, they work in sales  all u gotta to do is have good sales skills, at that point u just have to sit back and watch the money multiply

  5. Retail stockbrokers are paid a commission for clients transactions which include buying and selling.  They may also be paid trailer commissions on client assets held in mutual funds. It is therefore necessary to have a large enough client base to generate an ROA (return on assets) large enough to survive during lean times.  

    Lean times for stockbrokers are defined by little or no account activity.

    Stockbrokers definitely do not live in a recession proof environment and the number of traders, support staff and brokers is already dwindling and will continue to do so.  The brokers who manage to hold tight will be richly rewarded by inheriting clients from brokers who leave the business.

    Yes, they can make a great deal of money - or not, if they don't generate commissions at the level expected by the firm, they are terminated.

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