
Stocking OK for a 30 gallon tank?

by  |  earlier

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1 plec

5 bronze cory cats

3 platies or swordtails or mollies (haven't decided yet)

5 scissortail rasboras

maybe some neon tetras




  1. dont worry about the pleco, just get the 3 inch ones at petco for $5, other types are expensive and hard to get, and if the pleco gets to big for the tank you can usually trade them into small petshops for little ones

  2. I would worry about the pleco a full grown needs a 75+ gallon tank unless you go with a bristlenose pleco.  Otherwise sounds good, the platies make sure you get all females or 2-3 females and 1 male so the male does not stress the females.

  3. sounds like a comfy tank :) try getting a clown or bushynose pleco for they don't grow as big as a regular plec... or you can get a couple ottos instead :)

  4. Sounds great to me.

    Just make sure you've been through your cycle, if it's a new tank (I don't know if you have or not), because inexpensive feeder goldfish are better for that.

    One other thing, too: do you know what kind of pleco you have? Because I know that some of them can get very large.

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