
Stocking options for a 5 gallon tank??

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I have an empty 5 gallon tank I might want to put fish in. What else can I have (if anything) in this other than a betta or guppies, as I have already had both. Please tell me the name of the fish and how many I could put in the tank. It would be filtered and heated. Thanks.

If I decide to downsize to a 2 or 3 gallon tank, what could I put in there? Also filtered and heated. Thanks




  1. dont get a 2 gallon tank  stick with the 5. some good fish are platies(especially mickey mouse platys they look cool) neon tetras,and some zebra danios

  2. Go to the biggest pet store you can drive to that specializes in fish.  We drove about 45 minutes to one the other weekend and they have tons of choices.  Each person enjoys different fish species, and until you see it for yourself, it's going to be hard for anyone else to recommend anything for you.  You'll be limited with the 5 gallon tank, but there will still be many choices.  

    2-3 gallon tank:  Maybe a few spotted puffers.  They're small and fat, and very fun to watch.

    Good luck!

  3. 5 Gallons is small, but probably good for about 2-3 Dwarf Gouramis. You could also check out small Rainbowfish i.e. Praecox Rainbow

    check out

  4. You could get 3-4 platies and an African dwarf frog in a 5 gal tank. In a 2-3 gallon it is even harder because there is not much room for them to swim. I wouldn't downsize if I were you.

  5. neon tetras along wit dwaf gourami and corys zebra danos these r a few i have in mind at the moment these will du well as they are community fish

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