
Stocks, economy, oil, election ......?

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I was raised on the old belief that people vote their pocketbooks. Sooo I am wondering just how much the republicans might do to pull us out of the blog of economic news we are in these days to win the election and do you feel it will have a possitive effect on the economy and stocks. I KNOW I am hoping they will grovel at our feet and beg our forgiveness, lol. Would love some others ideas




  1. I think they are out of luck. It is already WAY too late to fix anything before the elections.

    And the Republicans are in a Catch 22. They put us here. In order to change they would have to reverse themselves on all their failing policies.

    Under Reagan supply side made the Rich richer and Poor poorer. It stimulates slowly and costs more than it generates.

    It happened the same way this time. Go figure. LOL.

    They have screwed over and picked the pockets of the majority and the majority votes.

    Begging won't help. They are too arrogant for that anyway. Instead they will try to blame the Dems for everything. They are already trying.

    Did you see where McCain is trying to blame Obama for the price of oil?  

    With a White House full of oil men that is a HUGE joke.

  2. Duh ? DEMOCRATS took charge of Congress after the 2006 elections... oil was $ 50.00 a barrel... unemployment was under 4%... ethanol was just a goofy idea... but Iowa started Obama's big run...( we better take care of Iowa then, right?)

    Republicans are a lost cause...not because they have the wrong ideas about the economy or the world...but just because they have no one that is a " charming" BS artist.

    Soooo we'll have four or eight years of happy- go- lucky times, and all the celebs will be ecstatic....BUT I don't know if they'll open  or " grow" any businesses that hire people... I don't know if they will get anyone to invest if they tax the h**l out of any profit... so I guess we'll come up with some more elaborate schemes to hire more people with TAX money...and give everyone health care with TAX money..and take care of Social Security with TAX money...

    It's going to be great... unless of course you happen to be one of the suckers on the PAYING end of TAXES.( You know, someone who actually WORKS.

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