
Stolen Bike question again!?

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So i've already asked this question twice but i have found more information !

OK so last night our bikes were outside in the backyard way in the back beside the garage!

Last night they were stolen, my brother's room is downstairs and woke up to hearing to male voices (sounding teenager like) in the backyard it was around 3:30am this morning.

What can we do?? there were 3 of them. How can we prove that they are ours????

Please help!!

Also what do you do if you have an idea of who it might be??

If it changes anything im Canadian living in Ontario

I was looking on our newspapers classified thing and there is a family around the same area we live in and there bikes were stolen around the same time ours were stolen the night before!

Could the people who stole their bikes have stolen our bikes too???




  1. You have bike theives in your area. Call the police and file a report.Hopefully your bikes can be found and the theives are locked up

    Do you have bike receipts or pictures of the bike. All of this will be helpful..

  2. it's very  possible but let's not jump on conclusions , did you ever call the police or have evidence ( serial number , pictures etc..) ?

    Start your OWN investigation .

  3. The very first thing you do is go and file a police report with as complete a description of the bike as possible.  As each bike has a serial number stamped into the steel, that is your proof.   You were to record it somewhere and keep it.

      Bike theft is big business in Ontario.

    Now that you have done that and you have an idea who stole it --steal it back.  By the time the cops find it it will be in China.

  4. Stop asking this question....

    And you have to make a police report that is it. If you didnt see onyone taking the bikes then they or you cant really say who took the bikes. And they are not going to have a big investigation on who took your bikes.

    Just make the report and later on if a bike comes their way they will notify you.

  5. Yeah... it's always a possibility. You're really wasting your time on Yahoo Answers... Go and file a police report...  

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