
Stomach Aches for a month straight. HELP!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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im 16 yrs old and a guy. for the last month now everyday, ive felt sick to my stomach almost all day, everyday. Ive tried eating healthier cause i was eating way to much junk when i started to feel like this, but ive eaten much healthier. I havent vomited at all though, ive tried to sleep alot and other stuff but nothing seems to be working. HELP!!!!! I have no clue what to do.




  1. I would go see a doctor.

  2. There's lots of tests that doctors can do to help figure out what you might have. It might be something serious, or you might have a food allergy you don't know about. You could have a stomach ulcer.

    The idea of going to the doctor isn't a pleasant one, but it might be the only way to figure out what's wrong with you.  

  3. I am trying to heal up stomach inflammation, you could have that too.  When you have it your stomach hurts a lot of the time.  Or, you could have ulcers.  Some pain killers can wreck your stomach and cause ulcers.  You best go see your doctor.  My stomach problems started a year ago and I have had an upper barium procedure, ultrasound to check for tumors, and an endoscopy where biopsies were taken.  Those biopsies indicated inflammation and the doctor saw fundus polyps in my stomach.  

    I think if you have improved your diet it will help you and you may not have anything more serious.  In my case it appears that a long popcorn binge, advil, stress and tension from my job created the problem.  Find a way to relax if you are under too much tension or stress, that will help you too.  The diagnosis from the barium procedure I had said it was possible I had 2 aphthous ulcers but after the endoscopy (doc went down esophogus and looked at my stomach) it turns out I don't have ulcers after all.  I hope this helps you get an idea of what problem you might have.  A hurting stomach is no fun at all, I sure know that!

  4. When I personally began having constant stomach aches about two years ago, my doctor did sonograms, blood tests, and other tests that all came back normal, so he gave me a diagnosis of IBS ( Irrittable Bowel Syndrome) and told me to avoid anything that came from a cow: all dairy, beef, butter, lard, cheese, etc.and told me to eat a diet full of plenty of oats, grains, nuts, and soy products.

    It turns out his diagnosis was not only incorrect, but I actually had Celiac Disease, and all wheat, grain, barley, oat, and gluten is like poison to your system. I ended up so sick I almost died and now my small intestines are permanently damaged to where my body can't absorbe any nutrients and this leads to autoimmune disorder, in which your body can't fight off viruses and you're prone to almost any disease including cancer. Now I have epilepsy, myesthenia gravis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatitis hepitaformis and neuropathy to name a few.

      I would highly suggest seeing a good doctor, even asking to be refered to a Gastroenterologist before anything gets worse. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy, though I realize I am probably a worse-case-scenario example of what can happen.

      Good Luck. I hope you feel better soon and it's something minor.

  5. What comes to mind are 2 ailments, acid reflux and/or ulcer. Do you feel like you have a lot of acid in your stomach? Do you feel a burning sensation? You can try Pepsid, Tums or something like it, until you see your doctor. If it is one of these ailments, he will prescribe medication that will make you feel better and heal the ulcer. Don't wait to see your doctor. The sooner you get the medicine, the sooner you will feel better. Good luck.

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