
Stomach after delivery?

by Guest31854  |  earlier

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Okay, so I know that your body doesn't completely go back to normal (your stomach), but I've noticed that most of the floppiest came from c sections. Even if you're small, like about 5 feet and are pretty slender, but had a natural birth, would your stomach still be floppy? I know your body wouldn't be exactly the same after. But would your stomach be AS stretched, Or is it mainly if you have a c section?




  1. I had a vaginal birth, and my friend had a c-section. I would say our tummies are pretty much the same, but she took longer to recover from the surgery and I felt fine after about 3 weeks. But our stomachs looked the same after giving birth, I think having a baby just does that no matter how you deliver.  

  2. Well I can't speak for everyone, but I am 5 feet 4, 120 pounds, slender but muscular frame. I work out everyday and did while pregnant as well. I have had 2 babies, am in my 20's and have eat well, as I said exercise daily. Both babies I had 100% natural and my belly is still quite floppy and stretched, loose skin. I do abdominal exercises daily, walk/jog up to 2 hours per day, do yoga everyday and muscle training about 4 days per week. I still cannot for the life of me get my tummy back to "normal"

  3. honestly, it is mostly genetics...

    example: me I got saggy belly

    I wasn't fat but I got huge during pregnancy and I didn't exercise

    genetically I'm predisposed to tons of stretch marks and keepingthe weight in my hips, thighs and butt

    my friend is a stick, she lost all her baby belly, and no stretch marks whatsoever.... now we're both pregnant again and I already look 7 months [only 5 3/4] and she looks 3-4 months.....

    so depends on the body shape, nature of delivery, helps lose weight intially to breastfeed [although weight quits dropping at a certain point to continue to norish baby]

  4. Honestly I think it is pot luck.  I had a baby who was 10 pound 3 (4.63kg) at birth and I was originally quite thin so I thought no way was I going back (particularly after having a horrible c-section).  But 11 months later and seriously I don't even think you can tell I've had a baby (apart from massive c section scar but that is a WHOLE other story).  I mean, I don't have a six pack or anything but then I didn't before I gave birth.  Just a normal bit of a belly.

    As for genetics?  I don't know, my mum has a pouch you could fit another baby in but then she did have twins (naturally) who would have been healthy weight for singles so that may be why.

    It's probably something to do with skin elasticity, perhaps combined with the rate of the stretching? who knows.

  5. its hard to control ur tummy fat when u have a c-section but u can control after natural birth this is what i heard but i guess no matter if u do regular exercise and balance diet u can control baby fat though its v hard but there is nothing in the world which u can not do... so shouldn't lose hope and keep trying...

    good luck

  6. It is harder to get back a flat stomach after a c-section because they actually have to cut the muscle so you have more of a pouch(so to speak!)when it's all over. Plus you have a much longer recovery time with a c-section so you can't exercise. Avoid it if you can. I had to have an emergency one and it was awful- natural is best!

  7. yes, either way your stomach will still be "floppy"  ive had three and it felt the same way after each child.  it will go back to feeling normal again after a week or so.  

  8. I agree with laura!!

    floppy regardless... well there is some of those lucky woman who seem to just spring back into shape but for the majority of us it sadly isnt the case!! haha

  9. My friend and I are pretty much the same size. Very tall and very skinny. We were pregnant at the same time. She had a c- section, and I had a natural birth... my stomach was just as floppy as hers. There's a small human inside of you. Either way it comes out, and you are "empty" so to speak. So it'll be like a deflated balloon.  

  10. Hi there.. I have had 2 kids naturally and my skin/stomach did not return to normal even after losing all the weight and trying my best! The skin that had stretched out to accomodate my babies was stretched too much therefore sagging.  I have spoken to several doctors about this and unfortunately a tummy tuck is the only way to remove excess skin. You cannot work off excess skin.

    It can happen to anyone, natural delivery or a c-section; its all a matter of your skins elasticity!..

    Some of us werent blessed with bounce back bodies!

    Thank God the kids are worth it ;)

  11. im wondering that too cause im 5 foot 1 and was 47kg before i fell pregnant and im 25 weeks and have already put on 16kgs so im hoping ill go back to not verry flabby i want a natural birth

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