
Stomach cramps, after s*x what does this mean??

by  |  earlier

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everytime i have s*x i get stomach cramps after, just straight away and for the next couple of days, im on the pill and use condoms each time aswell, but i dont think theres anyway i can get pregnancy symptons straight after s*x so why do i get it?




  1. I think you should  have it check by your ob-gyn.There might be something hit inside your uterus everytime you have s*x that's been causing you to have this stomach cramps.

  2. You are using muscles during s*x that are not normally used in your day to day life, so you get cramps in them.

  3. Don't listen to these douchebags. Your stomach is miles away from your womb. You could have anything from a small cyst to an inflamation, so I suggest you see your gyno as soon as possible. You might have an STD or other underlying contition that gave you the inflamation. From what I've heard that's the likeliest. There's also a rare condition called vaginism where women's vaginal muscles contract painfully before or after s*x. Check it out on the web.

    A more harmless possibility is that your boyfriends p***s is indeed too large and is hitting your cervix. It depends on the woman, some find it pleasurable, some find it painful. If that really is the problem you need to work on some relaxation techniques and/or positions that make entry shallower.

    Hope this helped!

  4. Do you o****m every time ? It could be your stomach muscles contracting and relaxing during o****m that sets the cramp off. Or you could just be very energetic !!!

  5. it could just be that you were moving yourself around alot and it caused movements. Dont worry yourself too much, if your still worried wait until your next period and then take a pregnancy test just to be on the safe side, also see your GP if the symptons persist because you dont want any infections etc. x x x  

  6. Have you been for a smear test recently? It is just that the nurse who does mine asks questions like that one.

    It could be a sign of infection, or a lot of things, maybe something which is better to see your GP about.

  7. Don't worry it's probably just a sexually transmitted infection, like sp*nkabifferous, there must have been a hole the the Johnny, its eats you for the inside out.  

  8. so i think u should ask this ?? to your doctor hun

  9. it basically means the guy your doing, his p***s is really big and probably just hitting your stomach!

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