
Stomach cramps after given birth?

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it's been a week since i gave birth to my daughter and this morning i'm feeling harsh like period cramps in my lower stomach and slightly in my back, is this normal? i also had an epidural when i was in labour could this be why i'm feeling it in my back ?




  1. I had cramp like feelings because my uterus was shrinking. You will feel it especially if you are breast feeding. The epidural caused pain only in my lower spinal erea. Good luck you will get better.

  2. yes it normal i had that for around 8 weeks after delivery

  3. Do you breastfeed?  Breastfeeding actually gives you cramps.  

  4. it could just be your uterus contracting a bit still.  It is trying to go back down to normal size and will take a little while.

    If you are breastfeeding it can be worse while you are nursing.

    You can do a heating pad and ib profen to help..

    but as long as it doesnt get so bad that you cant handle it or you arent bleeding an excessive amount then you are fine and it will lessen and get better very very soon.

  5. that'ss your uteruscontractingg and going back into place. if your breast feeding your uterus contracts quicker that might also be the cause of pain in your abdomen

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