They started in school (we run on the trimester system; this was second trimester). I was in a rather stressful relationship and I started cramping horribly for the first two classes of the day, so bad that I had to stop what I was doing to deal with it. After about 8:30, though, they went away completely and I was fine.
I woke up at 5:30 and they started when I left the house at 6:15. Sometimes I had diarrhea, but once I got rid of that, I was fine.
It continued for a while after I broke up with my boyfriend (about a month or two). After that, it was still there, but not as bad. It was completely gone for the last third of my school year.
Now, they're back, but only for a few minutes, and not as painful.
Do you think it was stress-related? Why am I getting them again?
By the way... I am NOT pregnant. There's no way I could be.
This isn't connected to my period.
I've been on birth control for a month, and the cramping started up a month or two before I started taking it.
Please help.