
Stomach cramps. on the pill???

by Guest63466  |  earlier

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Hey im on the pill and today was my third day of the second month. Last month i didnt really have any side effects at all. and my first withdrawal bleed was heavy like a normal period. Since ive started the second packet, ive had stomach cramps and felt sick quite alot. Is this just my body getting used to the pill? and is it normal to have the side effects starting the second month or could it mean im pregnant? Im going to take a test tomorrow but just want some advice first :) x*x




  1. i think get that checked by your doctor because it shouldnt be that bad sounds like a bad signal from the body.

    i went on the pill when i was 16 (for acne and stuff)  but i didnt have any of those side effects and i stayed on it for years till i was 21, but i didnt get any side effects even when i came off it my periods where completely normal straight away, that was also the same for my sister but not everybody is like that and i dont know anybody else who has or had been on the pill, at least thats private from me.

  2. woah woah love! dont panic its just ur body getting used to it, i had the same when i started, its a new thing ur body has to get used to so dont panic, i wouldnt do a test unless your period is a least 4 days late anyway and always make sure you use protection as well as the pill just to be on the safe side

  3. When you start your pill you will have symptoms until your body is used to the medication. You may even get your period irregular.

    When i started the pill i threw up a few times.

  4. try not too worry to much. If youve been taking the pill correctly the pill is OVER 99% affective. This makes it very unlikely that you'll become pregnant. Because of all the hormones floating around your body it is very likely that you are at first going to experience some kind of side effects. The second month of the pill is supposed to be the month in which you are fully protected so dont be alarmed that the side effects are occuring now because your body is obviously getting more of an effect from the pills. I think that taking a pregnancy test is a good idea so you dont worry to much. But i do think this is all normal :) x*x

  5. What they said ^^^^^^^^.

  6. i get stomach cramps and i'm also on the pill. its just a side effect and wont last. if it keep happening though go back to the doctors and they will probs just put you on a different brand of pill

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