
Stomach dropping feeling on airplanes?

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how come when your landing you sometimes get that stomach dropping feeling?? one time when i was going 2 england the guy said we would b landing in bout n hour n when we started descending my stomach felt like i was on a roller coaster why does this happen? was the pilot going down too steep or sumtin??




  1. no it's very normal to feel that way. Idk why but still it's very normal. So don't worry about it. If you hate it that much though, you can always get motion sickness pills

  2. i hate that feeling :[

  3. I think it is the altitude that makes the difference, and how quick you are going.

  4. Well, since you're sitting at a constant level for hours, when you descend, your stomach will naturally feels like it's moving up. It happens to me all the time. =)

  5. It is just inertia holding up the stomach when descending.

    When you are at rest, your stomach feel certain gravity. But when you descend, it all of a sudden feel little bit less gravity (like in roller coaster, air planes, elevators).

    Some people are more sensitive than others.  The pilots have a set rate of descend so not to scare the passengers.  But sometime the air turbulence will make the plane jump up and down (like a roller coaster).

    Good Luck...

  6. It might've been turbulence?

  7. This is caused by negative G-forces. Same as going over a hill in a car. When you are flying straight and level, you are at 1 G. When you climb up you increase Gs and get pushed back into your seat. When you descend rapidly you float up just a little bit momentarily. If you descent fast enough you can get into negative Gs and actually float. Watch the link below...

  8. As mentioned above, it is to do with inertia. when your at cruise. your moving with the plane, which is generally pretty steady. and then whent he plane makes a movement your body lags behind a fraction until the seatbelt takes up the strain to pull you down with the aircraft.

    The same idea as when you go around a corner in a car, your pushed into the side.

  9. From 35,000 feet you normally start a descent at about 100 miles from your destination.  In busy airspace it could mean descending through other traffic areas so the pilot may have been told to expedite his descent for a minute.  That kind of descent is not 'too steep' but pointing the nose down a bit too much is uncomfortable in the back.

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