
Stomach feels weird?

by  |  earlier

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i had some bad meat a few days ago and i threw up, but ever since then my stomach has been feeling weird and i have been having bladder problems (not severe or anything)

i think this was mostly because of exhaustion (i just came back from vacation)

i have been eating light foods only, though. rice and toast and stuff like that, but the feeling is not going.

please help




  1. you may have the stomach flu, a tape worm, or just some cramps. but go to the doctor see whats going on and get plenty of rest.

  2. well this maybe gastroentritis so you need to go to doctor for treatment he will give you proper antibiotics for your case as well as treatment for your nausea

  3. i think you should go  to the doctor just to check to see if anything's wrong.
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