
Stone age periods? how did women cope, before pads or tampons (or anything like that) were invented?

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I mean wayyy wayyy back stone age ancient greeks ect?




  1. trust me they had ways, they had fabrics

    god always allows a passage for life without technology

    if it wasn't possible it wouldn't be expected of us  

  2. good qesution i bet they used feathers LOL

  3. They sometimes used things similar to tampons. In some cultures women were given privacy during that time. Obviously everybody was a lot less embarrassed about this stuff. They didn't have diapers either.

  4. Yeah, I've been wondering about that too! I guess they used leaves or something to wrap.

  5. Not that I'm Christian, but as far as coping is concerned, I believe the Old Testament mentions women having to quarantine themselves outside of the Villages because they were considered "unclean" during this time, which may have ended up being very sanitary. It's assumable that all sorts of contrivances were figured out to deal with this issue.

    I think the ancients knew more than sometimes we credit them for.

  6. In most primitive societies women would be quarantined away from the rest of the tribe and undergo some kind of ritual purification. Moon goddesses became popular amongst women at this time as the moon also moves on a monthly cycle hence it was deemed feminine. I doubt that even in the most ancient times that women wouldn't have some way to mop up the flow, whether with a skin or a woven rag ,which would probably be burnt/offered up to the spirits/god(desses).

  7. I heard some one say before they used either fabrics, or animal skins (in really olden times!), or even barks of trees (they crushed the barks until it becomes comfortable enough to wear, but this really seems absurb) or big leaves

  8. leaves,  

  9. Women sometimes used an assortment of things, rags, grass, and other absorbent material. Some rural women would just not wear pads nor undergarments, and would instead let the blood trail out.

    Things were different back then, think of something like delivering babies. This would have been harder without umbilical clamps. If the theory of evolution is correct (Which I believe it is, but no, I'm not an atheist) then we inherited our primate ancestors knowledge of delivering babies and other bodily functions. For instance, the first human wouldn't have been confused when it defecated, as it's ancestor also would have, and he would have learned.

  10. Yes - people made due with fabric, grasses -- something that would  approximate a sanitary napkin, etc.

    BUT -- remember, there was no contraception back then -- a woman would rarely have her period -- she would have been pregnant all the time or nursing and might not have frequent or even any periods at all.  

  11. they just let the **** spill lol, back then they didnt even speak any languages so its not like they knew anything, they were  basicly gorillas with more hair ;)

  12. I'm sure that they just bled all over the place.  People were  out clubbing their dinners to death, so I'm sure a little blood didn't put them off at all.

  13. They used dried grass and other cotton-like materials.

  14. They were locked away from the rest of the family.

    Later, in more recent times, they would pin an extra piece of cloth to their underwear.

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