
Stop Deer Hunting!?

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I understand back in the days people had to hunt to survive but there's no need now in dayz since we got everything. It makes me sick when I see Deer hunters killing the lovely deers then hanging up their heads on their walls like trophies, something needs to be done to stop this so called sport.




  1. We do it for food. Yes, my family guts deer and slices them up into steaks and stew meat.

    Other than that, in my area there is an over-population of deer. The deer are so desensitized to human domain that you can stand on your front porch yelling at them and they will just stare at you like you're crazy. My garden is suffering.

    I both disagree and agree with you. Killing for sport is bad. Killing for our own survival (and not just the neaderthal desire to kill something to eat type of survival) is good.

  2. I can empathize. Having animal products on our walls reminds us that we are omnivores, consumers, and predators, and can, and do eat meat to sustain ourselves. Most of the time, we can survive on vegetables, dairy, eggs, etc, and buy what meat we choose to at the grocery store or meat market.

    Some people do this, AND choose to hunt. Some of these hunters hunt for food. In fact, some people obtain their meat ONLY through direct hunting, fishing, or farming. I know a family that does this. And yes, they have stuffed pheasants, turkeys, moose heads, and lots of other animals on their walls. Personally, not my idea of a welcoming home for family and friends, but to them, it is. They exprerienced the hunt, and some people call it a sport. Whatever its called, your statement that there is no need is not entirely true.

    Deer in Wisconsin would over-overpopulate quickly if there wasn't something to keep their populations in check. There used to be wolves, but the wolf population is too small to effectively keep the deer population in check. Not only could the deer reproduce so much that they essentially starve themselves, the vehicle insurance rates in the state would skyrocket because of all the roadkill accidents. Plus, the disease affecting deer would spread even more rapidly, (I think its called DWD).

    There are two links: check them out. One will provide all kinds of deer hunting information, and the other will provide information on a topic that you should REALLY concern yourself with.

    Consider all the lovely fishes in the sea, their colors, their many species. Now consider them extinct because of overfishing and pollution. What do you eat, since you have "everything?"

  3. Ummm....No.

  4. FYI; Men who hunt have small *****.

    It's a little known fact (no pun intended)

  5. Deer populations need to be controlled.  We don't want to slaughter them like we did with the buffalo, but we also don't want so many that they contract diseases and starve because there is not enough food.  In the east, deer head out of the public lands and into the housing developments for protection and food.  These homeowners are having their gardens/flowers devoured, and deer are all over the roads being hit by cars.  

    In one way, I agree and say that if you're going to kill a deer, you should at least use the meat.  I hunt and I use the meat to help feed me and my family.  And if I get a nice enough buck, I don't feel bad at having it hanging on the wall.   But I don't go hunting just to put a head on the wall.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and there is mine.  Hunters are not hurting you, if you don't like hunting, don't hunt, but don't tell others what they can and cannot do.

  6. And it makes me sick when pompous backsides like you try to tell me what I can and cannot do.

  7. There's nothing wrong with deer hunting, as long as you don't over do it or just kill the animal as a trophy.  Deer populations will grow out of control if hunting is stopped completely (although this is, in fact, our fault due to over hunting of their natural predators in previous centuries), so whether you believe that hunting deer is good or not, it is neccessary.  Where I live, deer populations can get so out of control sometimes that the deer are actually emaciated, where they overgraze in their shrinking habitats.

    Oh, and the first guy that answered this, stop being such a narrow minded, prejudiced idiot.  There are rednecks (that's not just a stereotype, although not all poor southerners are rednecks), I'll give you that, and a lot of them like to hunt, but by no stretch of the imagination is everyone that hunts a redneck.  I hunt, and I am the antipode of a redneck.  One of my friends hunts, and she's Emo.  If your going to use the internet as an outlet for your prejudice, then use your Myspace or something, not Yahoo! Answers.  None of us want to hear it.

  8. I am against killing just for killing.  But when you actually use what you kill, then I see no problem with it.  Hunting does not (not supposed to) occur year-round.  There are only certain seasons for it.  And then again, should we stop fishing because of the poor fishes?  

    Even IF we did stop hunting, deer populations would sky-rocket and overwhelm ecosystems.  Hunting helps keep populations down (preventing overeating, danger for humans, diseases, etc). and does not hurt anything unless its overly excessive (and when that happens, the Division of Wildlife steps in to maintain a reasonable population).

  9. i agree with u, people don't need deer to survive nowadays. And besides, hunters are just taking away food from animals that use it to survive.

  10. Dear Latin. There are to many deer now. More need to be killed to keep them from starving and desease. Hunting them is much more compassionate. All animals are food for something. Even us. It is called nature.

  11. Some people are ignorant to the facts. Hunting the deer does more good than harm. Keeping mass herds from forming keeps diseases from killing the whole herd. There isn't enough greenspace left to feed large herds of deer. Thanks to developers. I myself choose not to hunt but I checked out both sides of an argument before I developed an opinion.

  12. Yes but you see it is because that its a sport that npwbody is going to stop. Most of the people who hunt are rednecks. And if you tell them not to hunt than there is going to be a wave of mullets that will attack the white house. Plus it might be in our instincts to hunt if we were doing it for hundreds of years back in the past then the urge to might come from that.

  13. If a certain amount of deer isn't killed every where the deer population would really expand then there would be many many many sick deer because the population would be so great. Here in Nebraska they say they need to kill 75,000 deer a year to keep the deer population from growing at a fast rate. The death rate they use is between hunters, car wrecks, and natural deaths.

  14. I, too, am against hunting. We have quite a deer population here in Ohio and it's always been the hunters excuse because the deer 'have no natural predators'. Well, we started having coyote move into the area and guess what, they trap and get rid of them! Got forbid they can't 'bag' as many deer as they're used to in a season! I don't know how anyone can feel 'manly' while using a gun or bow/arrow to kill a deer.

  15. Where I live, in the Los Gatos mountains in Californa we have an enormous overpopulation problem with deer because the amount of deer hunting has been drastically reduced.

    I am seeing more mountain lions moving into the area because they feed on the deer. This is quite dangerous, because mountain lions also attack people.

    We have had several mountain lion attacks on people in the last few years.

    We need to cull the deer population, if for no other reason than to reduce the number of mountain lions that migrate into the area and feed on the deer.

    It is far more humane to shoot a deer and kill it quickly rather than let the deer get torn to pieces by a mountain lion and suffer in agony.  

    Mountain lions do not kill deer quickly and humanely. I do not know if you have ever seen a mountain lion eat a deer. Unless you have lived in the mountains,  probably not. It is not a pretty sight

    The mountain lion  tears the deer to pieces very slowly while the deer is still alive. The mountain lion rips the abdomen of the deer open and slowly eats the intestines while the deer is still alive.

    It is much more humane to have a hunter kill a deer quickly rather than let a  mountain lion kill a deer slowly.


    The deer eat all of the landscaping and the gardens. Often when I come home from work, I have 4 or 5 deer in my yard eating what is left of my landscaping.

    In the mountains the deer are so common and such a problem that we refer to them as "antlered rats"

    Incidentally not everyone is so well off that supplementing the food on the table with some deer meat is not a bad idea.

    Also, deer meat is delicious and healthy, very low in saturated fat. It is very good for you. You should try some.

  16. Actually, where I live people not hunting as they did years ago. So, it is causing an overpopulation and the deer are starving and have more disease problems. So, the Game and Fish Commission is having to go out and do controlled kills. They give the meat to needy families.

    But, I agree they pretty and I can not kill one. But, I guess there has to be some type of management. Heck, you should see all the squirrels around my house and neighbors. No one is hunting them anymore. I just catch them in a Trap and release at the river where there water and plenty of natural food for them. Game and Fish Commission helped me locate a good spot.

  17. yeah i agree,it's barbaric

  18. My husband hunts, & it is to provide meat, fresh meat, for our family.  I bless each animal that he brings home & thank it for it's sacrifice for us.  It's better meat than the processed meats in stores.  The meat lasts sometimes for six months.  He also fishes & provides us with that meat, which is a quality meat.  To hunt for trophy sake is wrong.  My husband has two deer heads & one set of elk horns, but he does hunt for the meat.

  19. while i do agree with you on stopping deer hunting we would need more wolves in the wild we are already having over population of deer problem as it is we would just have to make sure hunters wouldn't hunt the wolves.

  20. LATIN,

    If you do a little research you'll find that there are TOO MANY deer close to populated areas. We have 'eaten' up their land by building more and more houses, clearing more and more woodlands. But, with an expanding population housing is necessary. I'd say that controlled hunts be held by local governments and the food given to those that have none. As to hanging a deer head (or any animal's head) on the wall - tell the 'hero' to go into the woods and hunt a deer fair and square - with his hands and a big stick!

  21. I am not a hunter and don't like guns, however hunting game culls the heard and keeps the heard healthy.  The eradication of top predators will allow a heard to expand beyond the carrying capacity of the land and then you can have a complete population collapse.
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