
Stop Illegals?

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Who is is favor of ending the war and putting our troops on our southern boarder?




  1. It is spelled BORDER. I am in favor of ending the war and stopping racism and hate.

  2. I am in favor of pulling troops out, but still defending the U.S. from terrorists and putting troops on the southern border. We are being invaded on the inside and it needs to stop by any means possible!!!

    Report and Deport!!

  3. I'm in favor of winning the war against terrorism, but realistically understand that is something that might never be accomplished.

    However, the invasion of illegal aliens into this nation is something that could be and should be stopped. Fully securing the border, using whatever means necessary, along with strict enforcement, prohibiting access to public services and increasing crackdowns on employers is what I favor.

  4. Yes to the first.. No to the second.

    I think we should make it MUCH easier, safer, and legal for people to come to our country from the south and get visas and work here LEGALLY.

    Of course it should be conditional in that they get a job.. pay into the U.S. and keep it for like 3 years.. and MUST learn English before they could become a citizen.

    They'd start paying into social security and start paying taxes.. and if the government got their thumbs out of their a$$es we'd put that money to good use.

    And we should start putting the employers who employ illegal immigrants in prison for a few years.. see how often they do it then.  (Because remember.. they're not paying taxes or SS on those people either!! They're much worse.)

    The whole.. it's cheap labor! thing is ridiculous.. If you paid them minimum wage and they were paying into the country it would equal out.   Businesses are just greedy fookers.

    Big-time America and our government is going to crash our economy at some point if it doesn't start doing intelligent things.

  5. I am in favor of ending the war...but not in favor of putting our troops on our southern boarder

  6. Stop the war just to waste my tax dollars on putting the troops on the Southern border? Nope. Better to just stop the war. There are better things to do to address the issue of illegal immigration - like going after the big businesses that hire illegal immigrants as well as fixing the system we have set up to gain residency.

  7. Sure stop the war..............spend the money on education not putting up southern " boarders ".

  8. I'm with you on the first half. But give your second suggestion some 'thinking outside the box' before you rush to a tactic that will be an ongoing expence year after year, and a big one too!

    If you had a jar of honey in your kitchen with no lid on it, then you'd probably have ants all over your kitchen in a few days. Would you hire people to patrol the area and stomp out any ants trying to enter? Or would you simply put a tight fitting lid on that honey jar?

    Instead of throwing our money at "pork" projects like hiring guards and building walls, we should be investing that money into a GOOD system for preventing illegals from earning money in our country without proper permits. We have the technology, so why hasn't this happened yet? I suspect that there are powerful business interests who are very happy to have all that cheap illegal labor and distract us with talk of guards and fences, while ignoring the reason illegals come here in the first place -- because they CAN get jobs.

  9. I'm in favor of ending the war and keeping our Military were they should be to defend our country from terrorist not illegal immigrants. That's why we have ICE. The same goes for our police officers! they have enough stress in their lives, and now people are asking them to do the Federal Government's job.

  10. ME! Stop terrorists (illegal immigrants kill 10,000 people a year). Save money it cost more in taxes than it would cost to have the military on the border. Let ICE send them back and the military keep them there.
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