
Stop!!!!! Leave me alone?

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Why does people bully other people around There's a boy that always gets tormented by this kid what should I do




  1. In the past, when my children have had trouble with a bully, I have approached the bully myself and asked him why he was treating my child in that way.  I have also spoken with teachers and parents before.  

    In one instance, I was able to find out that one boy that was being a bully to my son actually had ADHD, his father had recently left their family, and his older brother picked on the him all the time.  So, basically this boy was taking his frustrations out on my son and other children at school.  Once I understood that, I helped my so to befriend him.  When my son became friends with him, other children started coming around more and he enjoyed the positive attention.  

    Sometimes it doesn't hurt to take the time to find out why the bully is acting out and see if you can resolve the situation in a positive way.  For other parenting tips and resources, you can visit

  2. Tell a teacher but also stand up for him if the other kid picks on him again when you're there. The bully will be less likely to continue if the kid has friends who are "on his side". He'll be intimidated- bullies are really just scared kids who act tough & cut other people down to try to make themselves feel better.

  3. I would speak to a teacher or counselor about it. Not only does someone need to stop this boy's behaviour, but bullying is very damaging for the person on the receiving end. That boy needs to talk about it too.

  4. tell the boys parents. Dont' bother telling the school, they won't do a thing about it.

  5. You should talk to a teacher or principal so that they can handle it correctly..... Its good of you to be concerned about someone else. :)

  6. You should try to stand up for him, and then tell a teacher, or principal and have it stoped, its not very nice.

  7. Don't get involved. Worry about yourself instead of trying to save the world, babe.

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