
Stop bashing us, and realise were not all stupid?

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okay...why the h**l does every atheist bash Christians? why not muslims, why not jews, why not hindus, why not bhuddist, why not all of those other ones??? seriously? i dont judge people, i dont hate atheist, i dont persecute people because they believe in have to understand that some people are talking about some Christians, i mean...look at Judas, that q***r denied Jesus and gave him up for money...fred phelps and all of the bashers, they are the "Judas" of our group...but Christianity has not fallen, it's still here, and i have substantial proof too...: ) believe it or not, I research the bible, i know evolution back and forth...i used to be an now a Christian...but i dont bash all..but i can discuss whats the big freakin deal?




  1. The fact that ALL  religions take in billions of dollars from people is a good reason.  Bad things happen from all religions. Catholic priests  to radical  muslims.

  2. As a fellow christian I must say that most christians bring the bashing on themselves.  My life demonstrates I am a christian but I do not wield it as a sword. Condemn g*y marriage??? Of course not, be there when and if they have unfulfilled questions about their choice of lifestyle, Absolutely!!!  Condemn abortion and base my vote on it??  Not a chance, help a woman who comes to me with questions about that decision, I'll do anything humanly possible to help her!  Throw the illegal aliens out because they broke the law?  No Way, Proverbs speaks to (paraphrase) if a man steals because he is hungry simply make him make restitution because "but for the grace of God there go I"  However, if they are willing to work and pay restitution and have no criminal record...I'm sure they will make good citizens.  Better than many we have....more to come

    I once heard a story about a man at the time named Casius Clay (Mohammad Ali).  He visited a Church of God church in Kentucky when he was searching for meaning in life.  He was kicked out because he was black.  It was then he turned to the Nation of Islam.  How is that for an example of Christianity??  

    Here's another thought:  If the church, people thereof, had done their jobs during the Great Depression and heeded Christs admonishments to Feed the Hungry, Care for the Widows, Heal the Sick, Pick up the Downtrodden then the government wouldn't have had to start Welfare. Regarding us being a christian nation, we had our chance and blew it.  So, live for God as an individual.  Don't try to impose christianity on others and be understanding of their disillusionment of 'christianity'

  3. I'm have exceeded the 8-line limit for rants with no paragraph breaks. We cannot read you post at this time.

    Please re-punctuate and organize your rant and re-submit.

    Thank you and have a great day.

  4. Simple strategy.  You pick on the big target.  Christianity is the largest target in America.

    If you lived in another country where there was another predominant religion, there would be some group picking on the majority group.

    Unless of course there was a "state religion" and you got in trouble for attacking it like in some Islamic countries.  Then you'd be thrown in jail and possibly executed.

    Learn not to take it personally.

  5. Nice rant, but what's the point?  First you are on the wrong board.  This is Elections, not Religion and Spirituality.  Second, who's bashing you?  There is a lot of give and take, and if you are observant, you will see it goes both ways.

    Finally, the persecution complex of many Christians is tedious and disrespectful.  Our spiritual forebears, the ones who stood up to Nero and the Roman Empire, would laugh at what you call persecution.  Out of respect to the saints that really HAVE suffered for their faith, we should minimize our whining.

  6. I think you are generalizing.  Not all atheists bash christians.  I certainly don't, but I don't respect some christian beliefs such as this is a christian nation, that creationism is a science, or that civil liberties should be bounded by the bible.  The same thing applies to some islamic beliefs.  

    It is also the product a natural reaction of atheist retaliating and being considered second class citizens for years. It is only very recently that some people could comfortable tell others that they are an atheist. But some people still struggle with telling their family and choose not to for various reasons.  

    It was only a few Presidents ago that didn't think atheists should be considered citizens or patriots of America.  "No, I don't know that Atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots."--George Bush Sr.

    Christians have a long history of looking down and bashing others of different beliefs.  

    p.s. You do not have substantial proof of a christian god or any god, that is why you have faith.

  7. I think a lot of atheists are jerks and their "cause" is a waste of time.

    I wouldn't worry about it if I were you though.  Meaning, I wouldn't worry about it, if I cared about religion, which I don't.  

    Religion's been around thousands of  years.  Probably tens of thousands of years.  And I don't see any prospect of its ever going away.

  8. Why is this in politics? I don't bash Christians, I'm an equal opportunity basher.

  9. I believe that religion is the last big obstacle holding Democrats back at tearing this country apart - that is why all the bashing.

    I believe religion is good for many things.

    Religion gives more hope to more people than Obama ever will.

  10. Uhhh... whatever!

    poor you..

  11. The reason why atheists in America criticize Christians is because Christianity is the dominant religion.

    Of course you judge people. This entire question is based on a judgment (that it is bad of atheists to "bash" Christians.)

    I don't think you are stupid for having spelling errors. I think you are stupid for asking a question that is all about judging people while apparently believing you are not judging. I also think you are stupid for using multiple question marks in a row (usually repetitive and emotional punctuation is the sign of a low intellect.) Finally, I think you are stupid for not posting this in the correct category.

  12. How can you claim to not be stupid, yet your question is riddled with misspellings?

    That's called a "rhetorical question," which is a question in which the person asking doesn't require an answer.

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