
Stop breastfeeding baby at 5 months?

by Guest57113  |  earlier

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Is this healthy?

If not, what age is good? What percentage of baby food from 5 to 7 months should be breast milk?

For kids that are exposed to germs and other infections.




  1. in my opinion, you've already done better than some for bf this long!  way to go!  i just stopped nursing my ten month old yesterday.  you can check some websites such as and they have recommended feeding/formula/breastmilk "menus" based on baby's age.  good luck!  

  2. You should breastfeed at least the first year...more than that is good too though.

  3. I do know that the collustrum, first milk after the birth is crucial. But everyone can choose the best time to stop I suppose, so different answers.

    A teacher of mine in primary school kept breastfeading untill her son was 5 YEARS old. I am 7 months pregnant now and my husband's opinion is that I should keep feeding for as long as possible, personally I hope that the baby will be 'fed up':) as he turns 1 year. That is when I myself lost interest in breastmilk, on my birthday. Isn't it easier than formula anyway? I do know that it keeps you from getting pregnant again, so if you want another baby as soon as possible... Keep the age difference small:)

    Edit(after your edits:) ): It sounds like a MAJOR hassle! Maybe you should ask a doctor. Because germs and other infections: good for your baby's immune system. You do not want a weak allergic kid because it's never been exposed do you? And breastfeading reduces your kids risk of becoming allergic.  

  4. It's rare for a baby to self-wean before age 1 or so. What some mothers perceive as weaning at 3 to 5 months is often just a "nursing strike," in which a baby stops breastfeeding for two or three days. These strikes can happen if a baby gets sick or a mother inadvertently yells out in pain when her baby bites down on her breast.

    At around 4 months, babies suddenly discover there's life going on around them while they're nursing. Many of them develop a habit of sucking a few times, coming off the breast, grinning at Mom, looking around, and then diving back into breastfeeding with great gusto. Breastfeeding patterns also change as babies move through various developmental stages such as learning to babble, roll over, sit up, crawl, and walk, among others. And sometimes babies stop nursing for no perceptible reason at all.

    If your baby loses interest in nursing for a few days, keep up your supply by pumping and continue to offer your breast. You'll probably find that your baby will resume nursing.

    The weaning process, which can last anywhere from a few days to a few months to several years, begins as soon as you routinely offer something other than breast milk to your baby. It might be a bottle of formula four days a week, or it might be solid foods

  5. It's okay to stop breastfeeding a baby at 5months but it's much better to continue up to the first year.  But if you're decided to stop, make sure you'll choose the best infant milk so the baby can still get the right nutrition... At 6months, you can start feedinng the baby with bananas and bread...

  6. If you stop now you will have to use formula which is expensive and a hassel to mix up. My step sis stoped breast feeding at around that time because she thought it would be easier to bottle feed. Boy did she regret it when she had to sterilise bottles and take them everywhere with her. Babies need either formula or breastmilk for the first year of their life Id keep breast feeding as long as possible but your choice and well done for breast feeding 5 months. =)

  7. Most docs recommend breast milk for the first year, but 5 months is plenty.  By that age, they've already gotten all the antibodies you had to offer.  You can gradually switch to formula if you want to.  They should be eating beginner's solids and breast milk by that age.  Talk to your doc.  He'll tell you the same thing.

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