
Stop cutting myself i need help now

by Guest64864  |  earlier

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i just stared and now i can't stop. i have lost two friends because of it. my 'rents don't see which makes me cut more i got so into it that i spray painted go down the street not across my 'rents don't get it. they think it's lengo and reblinan and i changed ever thing about me help




  1. Stop hurting yourself!! Talk to your parents and ask for help! There are lots of options for counselling whether you have lots of money at your disposal or none...don't let finances stop you.  You are too precious to treat yourself this way!! You are God's gift to your parents (and the rest of the world!) You can't share your gifts if you are hurting yourself.

  2. You say your parents don't know what makes you cut but do you even know what makes you cut?

    Self-harm is a control method for dealing with stuff that you don't seem to have any other method of sorting out. The only real way to deal with it is to try and identify what issues and emotions are making you feel the need to cut and try to work out other ways to deal with them.

    To do this you need someone to talk to that you can trust, an older friend, a counsellor, a teacher, a doctor, anything like that. You don't want to do it on your own.

    People are reacting to you because they are scared and confused. Dealing with people who cut is difficult when you don't understand it. The best thing you can do with your parents and any other friends is to talk to them. Try and explain as much as you know and if you don't know, encourage to go and do some research, there's a lot of helpful websites around now.

    Also try and explain to your parents that you want to get help and stop cutting but that you may not be able to do so straight away. This is important as a lot of people get disappointed and angry when their kids or friends don't stop straight away.

    In the short term, methods like band-snapping, ice and drawing red lines are helpful too. Don't give up hope, you're not alone in this :).

  3. Go to the Doctors now, people on here are not qualified to help you.

  4. I don't know what 'lingo' you've posted in, but I think I got the basic picture...  You're a 'cutter', & your parent don't know... After that, I am not able to make heads nor tails out of what you say.  However, I know of several articles (some are series of articles) that can help you:

    Why Do I Hurt Myself?

    How I Can Stop Hurting Myself...

    Prayers That Are Heard by God

    You *Can* Fight Pessimism!

    You *Can* Manage Stress!

    Please follow the advice therein.  You are welcome to print out any of them (as long as the source & copy right are intact), perhaps to give to a trusted person you want to ask for help.  If doing that, I suggest writing a note that you'd appreciate their help in overcoming this habit.  Otherwise, they might not realize the reason behind it...

    A few other articles that you would do well to consider, are:

    How Precious Is Your Life!

    Where You Can Find Real Hope

  5. I know someone who used to do this!

    They stopped, but have regretted it ever since!

    The scares don't go away!

  6. I used to cut this is how I stopped:

    What you need to do is get a hair band like you know the things you use to put your hair in a pony tail. Put it on your wrist and when you feel like cutting yourself snap it againist your wrist. and you will get all the pain but no blood and no scar or mark. thats how I stopped. also another method I used was when i felt like cutting i put like 2 or 3 ice cubes in my hand and held them in my hand until they melted. and it hurt just as much as cutting and I got the same feeling.

    Doing these things will help you get out of cutting.

    Hope I helped. good luck =]

  7. I think you need to talk to your parents about this and they'll help you through it.

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