
Stop light?

by  |  earlier

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what are you supposed to do at a stop light, what shouldn't you do?




  1. You are supposed to stop behind the horizontal line on the road  on your side of the intersection. You stay stopped until your light turns green. Then when safe, you can proceed.

  2. You are to stop............

    You are not to run the stoplight.

  3. Well are you driving, walking or riding a bicycle?

    In all cases though, you should of course STOP for a RED light or a STOP sign.

    The word STOP appears in the definitions  section of the Highway Traffic Code. The word STOP is defined as "a complete cessation from vehicular movement".....NO MOVING....AT ALL.....until the light turns GREEN.

    You may not make a left turn on a RED light unless you get a green "turning arrow" or there is someone directing traffic.

    You MAY turn RIGHT on a RED LIGHT if the laws allow it where you live, but you must STOP first and only go when safe to do so, after looking for vehicles and shoulder checking to the right for pedestrians/cyclists/skateboarders, etc.

    I hope that's the information you wanted.

  4. When stopping completely, a police officer explained it to me this way: He looks at the tires on the car. If they come to a complete stop, no rolling at all, then you are stopped. Any movement at all, without a complete stop, and he's writing a ticket.

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