
Stop the aggression "SOME" black <span title="women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">women!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by Guest32249  |  earlier

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i've asked a few questions about black women and i get so much aggressive replys from them. the reason that i have highlighted "SOME" in my question is because if i didn't i would get verbally attacked by" SOME" black women.

why are "SOME" black women so black aggressive?

why are "SOME" black women stereotyped as being aggressive?




  1. Stop thinking like that. In my country we don&#039;t offend people &#039;cause of their color of the skin but we do offend each other &#039;cause of our religion and it&#039;s kinda stupid and boring.

  2. There&#039;s a huge cultural difference between your average white and your average black human.  Mostly it depends on where you were born-inner-city vs Suburbia.  Basically you have to be more aggressive in certain areas to survive.

    Of course this is not politically correct so I won&#039;t be surprised if the word n***s delete this.

  3. Its true some black women are overtly aggressive just the other day I was abused by a black lady driver for not allowing her to cut in line when she should have waited like everyone else, I was called a &quot;honky&quot;, &quot;White trash&quot; you name it the woman found the abusive words to sling at me...

  4. I think every group of people (regardless of race or s*x) have people who suffer from aggression. I&#039;ve seen white, black, brown, yellow, and red women and men show signs of outward aggression towards others. I think it has a lot to do with people having things going on in their lives that they in turn take out on the first person that crosses their path. Most of the time, people who show aggression or aggressive behavior towards others are people who&#039;ve had others do the same to them, or who&#039;re unable to deal with the pressures of everyday life. And we all can fall victim to pressure. I&#039;m sure there&#039;s been a time or two that you can recall personally where you&#039;ve lost your cool and said or did some things you shouldn&#039;t have done. And that&#039;s goes for &quot;everyone&quot;, not just &quot;some&quot;.

  5. What about the bark brown women?

    Equal Rights For Dark Browns!

  6. This isn&#039;t a question.  I haven&#039;t seen your questions, so I can&#039;t tell whether their replies were warranted.  If you are bothered by &quot;aggressive replies&quot;, an easy solution is to lay off of the Black women, and find another target.  You ask why &quot;some Black women are stereotyped&quot;.  You can answer that question yourself.  You are obviously stereotyping Black women since you are asking questions about them as a whole.  

    I apologize if you found my reply too &quot;aggressive&quot;.

    Take care.

    P.S.- Don&#039;t bother changing your question to &quot;some&quot; if you really mean &quot;all&quot; or &quot;most&quot;.  We can&#039;t jump through the modem and attack you.

    EDIT: Your profile is private, My Love.  I&#039;m not going to search the entire site for them.

  7. It depends on where you  are raised. I agree with tigersalamander2006. I don&#039;t have a aggressive bone in my body but my mother does have the type of attitude you are describing. It comes with having to fight everyone in the &quot;hood.&quot; From schools, to neighborhoods if you didn&#039;t know how to fight you were considered weak or soft. When I moved from the suburbs to St. Louis I was heavily ridiculed for this and that. I think if I was raised here all my life my attitude would be pretty much different. I would have my guard up 24/7 ready to fight.

    Most of the times when you turn on the tv, that&#039;s all you see is the type casted black girl with attitude on reality shows. It&#039;s sad but when one of us does something to feed into the stereotype we are all considered to act that way. Or like the lady above who described that incident with the rude woman on the bus. People begin to assume oh no here is a black woman she&#039;s going to start some drama.

  8. I&#039;m sure Naomi Campbell would beg to differ. She&#039;s a very nice person who gives to charity, you know.

  9. i find this quite offensive to be honest

    the fact you saw a black woman being aggressive doesnt mean there are not 20 other white women being aggressive somehwhere else

    why do you notice the colour first?

    when Britny did her own round of madness no one noticed she was a white woman but if it&#039;s a black woman e.g. Naomi campbell &quot;booomm!!!&quot; the colour is the first thing you notice

  10. Colour and race are touchy issues, and it&#039;s easy to seem disrespectful even if you do not intend to be.

    This is the internet, after all ~ people don&#039;t know you or how serious or not you are, or how you usually ask questions. You have to appeal to the audience, not they to you.

    Perhaps re-consider and re-phrase your questions, and you may get more thoughtful replies.

    People genuinely wanting information have to be prepared to change their questions, and their approach, if necessary.

    Cheers :-)

  11. Try being descendants of people that were enslaved, raped, tortured, murdered, dismembered, etc... etc.. for four hundred and then see if you won&#039;t be a little aggressive especially considering that hate groups still exist and there is still discrimination.

    If I were you I would just let it go what do you think smart decision or what.

  12. read this

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