
Stop using China's huge population to justify their medals.?

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I've read a lot of answers from people saying that the reason China is beating the US in the medal count is because their population 4 times the size of the US. That means at the current standings of 34 medals (in theory) if the US had the same population of China then the USA would really have 148 medals. Go USA!

Of course, by that calculation that would mean you have to do that with all the other countries too. And just looking at the top 5 countries on the medal tally, if Australia had the same population of USA they would have 254 medals and if they had the population of China they would have 1064 medals. I guess you may want to stop using that argument cause Australia are kicking all your asses. Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie!!!




  1. Who cares? The Olympics are supposed to be fun, this petty b/s about what country has the most medals is ridiculous.

  2. The population size does not matter in the actual medals.  The only way the population size matters is when you are talking about potential athletes.  China has a much bigger pool to choose from but the US has its own population plus others from different countries to help their constant flow of players.  Either way it really doesn't matter.  Medals are great as it provides a level of international recognition but the real game is about the competition and seeing everyone try to do the things many of us only wish we could.  That is what the olympics is.  I now like the fact though that there is a rivalry going on now.  That means increased competition in a good way and certainly intense battles between players.  This one is good but I think the next olympics will really be something in terms of level of competition.  The top two now China and the US are both taking notice and are already probably getting ready.  It should be very fun to watch.  Go World.

  3. well if you look at india you know that population dont matter.

    they just win their first ever gold in shooting 2 days ago. first gold for all these years with 1.13 billion pop.

    it's all about how much money you got, so you can afford good coaches, and good drugs.

    usa is the richest so they gets the best coach and good high tech dose of drugs.

    the medals really just reflect the economy of a country. but india is a wired one...

  4. China is winning because americans no longer have the desire and/or the balls to compete

    except our swimmers dominate.

  5. China always beats the US in the medal count in the first week. Next week USA will take control of that board. GO USA!

    Check out the link below, who has the most medals?

  6. ok.

    Isn't 'Ozzie' for Australia, spelled "Aussie"?

  7. Thank you for putting that so well!

    I'm sick and tired of hearing people whine about the Chinese athletes!

  8. Yep. Per capita - China and India would be sat at the bottom of the ladder and USA would not be much higher.

    Lets try and use something a bit more.... sustainable instead. Team sizes.

  9. I'm glad that you are rooting for your country. Lots of Aussies are rooting for China.

    As for the population excuse I agree with you. The population excuse is ridiculous. Besides China and the USA have roughly the same amount of people competing.

    Hopefully the USA does better throughout the rest of the games.

    Go Team USA!

    P.S. I've always thought (ever since the first olympics I saw, Athens)  that this medal count thing is taking the meanings of the olympics away.

  10. Its true they have more people, therefore they should have more medals. We own you guys your judging system is rigged.  

  11. Ok, so China may have more athletes competing and thus may result in more medals.At least that's the argument. But if other countries have athletes that are better China then they would be getting the medals.

    So, I say the only reason China keeps winning medals is because the have great athletes. Anybody can beat them. So, I say that the population argument is unjustified.  

  12. well, in fact, that is why people consider australia a great sport nation.

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