
Stopped breastfeeding 7 weeks ago and still no period??

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My LO is just over 6 mths and i stopped BFing 7wks ago. I still don't have my period, is this normal? I had one when she was about 7wks and 11wks, then just light spotting once or twice when she was much younger, but nothing in the last few months. I thought i'd have it back by now ?




  1. Some people resume normal periods shortly after giving birth even if they are breastfeeding. Other people's periods can take a long time to return to normal. Wait a few more months and then see your doctor if you are concerned.

  2. Yes your period will come back, your body probably hasn't completely stopped milk production, which can keep periods away until lactation has completely ceased (you might not be feeding, but it can take 2 months + for the milk to stop being made, even in small quantities). If you are concerned then take a pregnancy test just in case and use another form of birth control until your period comes back.

  3. I stopped breastfeeding at 7 months and didn't get my period until my little one was 9 months and it hurt BAD!!  Good luck!

  4. How come you stopped?

    You were doing so well!

    Just kidding, no your period will take awhile to come back. Your hormones are still out of whack. Another month or two. Why the rush? periods suck

  5. It will come... Enjoy not having it!  

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