
Stopped taking BC pills and hoping to be pregnant. Help?

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So I am trying to get pregnant :)

I've been on Ortho-Tricyclen Lo for three months and at the end of my last pack, I decided to stop my birth control and try for a baby. The week after my last period stopped, I ended up having breakthrough bleeding lasting about 5 days. After that spell was done, hubby and I went to work at trying to conceive. My last period ended on the 3rd of August and my cycle lasts 23 days. I was supposed to get my period this past tuesday or wednesday but nothing yet. I took a HPT this morning but it came out negative. My hubby and I both noticed my nipples being really swollen and tender and I've been really sleepy and tired lately. My appetite has also increased and my tummy feels a tad bit poofy and like something is "there". Can I be preggers?

Please no 'duhs' or smartass comments. Thanks!




  1. its quite possible

    but its also possible

    that its just your system

    readjusting after stopping the pills.

    my period was all messed up

    when i first went off my pills,

    sometimes a week late,

    coming and going,

    things like that.

    but if you think you are

    just take a HPT

  2. stopping your birthcontrol could probally cause this too. maybe go to a docrots.

    goodluck though.

  3. I think some of the symptoms are in your head, because its not likely that your tummy would already be "poofy" unless there are 6 babies in there!!!! However it is very possible, I got a negative test with my son!!!

    Remember though that coming off the pill can cause funny hormonal things to happen because your body is learning how to ovulate properly again!

  4. There's always a chance you could be even if the test says negative, wait a week and if you haven't started then test again and get your answer. If it's still negative then sorry to say you're probably not preggers yet but you never know..Good Luck!!

  5. With my second son I felt just like you described (minus the increased appetite and swollen tummy) a couple weeks before a pregnancy test showed a positive.  You could be pregnant.

    I'm not an expert on the pill though.  So, these also may be side effects of stopping O-T Lo.  Not sure.

    Best thing to do is see your doctor.  You might even wait another week or so.

    Websites like also have lots of info on early pregnancy and signs of pregnancy.  

  6. Could be you just don't have enough of the hormone yet to show on a test.  I would suggest to just keep taking tests.  You could try the digital ones that say pregnant/not pregnant so you don't sit there scrutinizing over what you think may be a faint line.  Or, wait until your period is about a week late and go into the doctor for a blood test.  The big clue for me,  and how I knew even before I got my positive tests was that I had very light spotting for one day a week before my period was due, which was implantation spotting.  However, cycles can be really messed up after going off the pill, so don't be surprised if you get your period late.  Anyway, hope it works out for you!

  7. When I got off the pill, I had a longer period than normal and a couple of weeks later had the symptoms that you describe.  I completely thought I was pregnant - but I was not.  It was my body adjusting to the ovulation and the change in hormones that cycle, and I got a normal period at the end of that month.

    I did conceive two weeks later - my cycle went right back to normal after that first month off the pill, and we are 30 weeks preggo!!  If you are in doubt, though, wait a couple of days and take another test.  If it's still negative and you get your period, try try again!  It'll happen...

    Good luck

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