
Stopped taking Orthotricyclen Lo BC pills and hoping to get pregnant. Am I?

by Guest60827  |  earlier

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so i've been on OTL for three months and after my last period on the pill, i completely stopped taking it. the following week i had 5 days of bleeding i guess from the abrupt stoppage of the pill? anyways, since then, my hubby and i have been having loads of unprotected s*x trying to conceive. currently, i'm 5 days late but a HPT came out negative yesterday. can i be pregnant?




  1. It's possible, but i would take another test, if still no period in a few days visit the doctor for a blood test

  2. I would check again in a few days. If you are having any of the symptoms: breast tenderness, fatigue missed period, morning sickness etc. then it seems pretty likely. Those tests can be wrong. Test again in a few days.

  3. I dont think you are. You need to give the hormones more time to get out of your system. I have been on the patch and am now on the implanon. That whole bleeding a week later thing is odd. but give it a few more weeks and you should take another HPT. then try like h**l if its negative. If you dont get pregnant in the next year have his sperm and your eggs checked to make sure u are fertile. Good Luck!!!!

  4. If you tested to soon then the test wont test right. Since your body is trying to find its cycle without the hormones from pill, wait a few days and retest. It could take up to six month for your body to start ovulating regularly again!

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