
Stopping Breastfeeding: Help With Engorgement.?

by Guest59994  |  earlier

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After discussing with my doctor, I have decided to stop breastfeeding. First let me say that after visiting with lactation specialists and pumping frequently, I still only produce half of what I should be making (I did have a breast reduction years ago and therefore am grateful I could make anything at all). We have been supplementing with formula since birth.

I'm looking for tips, aside from cabbage leaves please, to deal with the engorgement. Furthermore, I'm just getting over a mastitis. How often should I pump to relieve some of the soreness since I don't want to encourage supply? How long is it safe to wait between pumpings as to not cause an apses or other complications? How long should it take before I'm "dried up"?




  1. sorry i never breastfed but one key to drying up quickly is to wear a nice snug fitting bra 24/7 except for showers. it took me a good 4 months to still dry up then.  

  2. If you want to "dry them up" quickly.

    Then get some sports wrap (the cloth material athletes use) and bind them as tightly as you can make them.

    It will hurt for about a day, but will be dry after the second day.

  3. dont pump til ur empty...just long enough to relieve the pressure. use a hand pump or your fingers insted of an electric pump if u can since the electric pumps stimulate them more and help you produce...and only use a pump. dont relieve it by nursing if you dont have to since teh baby is the most effective way to tell ur body to produce more breast milk

  4. suck it out somehow lesser by the days...

    how often? try once a day for a start if u can withstand the soreness...else twice or thrice with less pumped out...

    FULL dry up will take a few weeks...but after abt 1 week or 2, it will be significantly dried up.

  5. I would recommend that you continue breastfeeding until well passed the mastitis, this will help reduce the chance of an abcess.  Once you have cleared up the mastitis, wear a good supportive bra, take tylenol for the pain and ice packs if you can stand them.  Any pumping of milk will only encourage more production.  No hot packs, warm water running over the breast and no fondling of the b*****s during s*x.  Any stimulation encourages production.  After a few days the milk production will drop dramatically and you will feel better.  It will takes weeks for the milk to completely dry up.  See if you have a La Leche League group in your area, they can provide free help to you.

  6. If you're trying not to produce milk then don't take hot showers and don't let the hot water hit your b*****s. the swelling will subside but make sure you have a supportive bra

  7. It's probably best not to pump at all if you know you're not gonna continue to breastfeed. Cabbage leaves, ice, motrin, or shower is really the only thing I think of at this time. I'm used to encouraging moms to breastfeed. It'll probably take a few weeks to dry out.

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