
Stopping Deforestation?

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How do you think we should lower/stop deforestation? After all it is contributing to global warming, destroying natural habitats, endangering species and destroying our beautiful forests.




  1. Tell Brazil to stop cutting down the rain forest to grow sugar cane for Ethanol production.

  2. well we can't completely stop deforestation but we could wisely choose our house that we buy. try not to buy a very big house would lower the area that is deforested

  3. spread the word? have you looked online for others trying to do the same thing? i'm sure your not the only one who has asked this search around for a bit-see what you can find.

  4. do you own the forest that is being cut?   If not its none of your business.   No more than it would be mine to tell you what you can or can not do in your home.

    The best thing people can do is mind their own d**n business.

  5. You know what else contributes to global warming? All that hot hair people spew out about "save the rainforest" and "save the whales" and "save the earth"...sheesh...shut up and save yourself!

  6. When forestry is done correctly it can be self sustaining, when it is done incorrectly you have Washington State, Brazil and Siberia...just strip the land and run.

  7. Firstly, it's not contributing to global warming, so strike that from your question.

    Now that that's done, I can actually answer. If a forest near you is in danger, try signing a petition or bringing it up at a meeting with those whom it may concern.

  8. It is important to have balance in forestry practices. You must consider the economic need, the impact on indigenous people, and global climate concerns. There are very diverse opinions on how best to manage forestry practices from clear cut it all to do not harm a tree. Real balance is needed that addresses all points. I support an organization called the Forest Stewardship Council. I use only FSC certified wood. This organization I believe has a viable answer.

  9. Deforestation could be slowly stopped if people would be more environmentally conscious. That means, to accelerate efforts in stopping deforestation, initiatives have to be started by you.take help from ur near one's to aware people about the bad effects of deforestation.recycling,not using products made of wood.encouraging plantation and legally throughing people behind bars if they are involved in deforestation.

  10. Land owners have property rights.  Buy thousands of acres of forest and pay the taxes on it.  Do nothing else with it.'ve stopped deforestation!  Or we can abolish property rights and see how THAT turns out...throughout history, the absence of generally accepted property rights led to ownership by brute force.  Me and mine would end up owning far more than we currently do under such a system.  Care to try it?

  11. I think that as technology advances and we re-engage on environmental issues around the world, the U.S. can be a positive influence to slow deforestation by helping developing nations develop ways of managing their resources more efficiently while building economic strength.

    It sounds a little idealistic, but we can't dictate what other nations do with their resources, particularly if we do not get better at managing our own.  And there is no way we can have much impact at all if we walk away from the negotiating table-other than having OTHER nations try to dictate policies to us.  That isn't going to work.

    When I talk about advancing techologies,  I mean things like ethanol and other alternative fuels/energy sources; corn is not the best source for ethanol, but there is a lot of misinformation out there about corn as an ethanol source and ethanol in general-the thing is we will develop ways of maximizing the energy return of that as well as other materials such as biomass-algae and other agricultural byproducts-that will have fewer unintended consequences, such as the rush to clear land to plant corn.  Of course, the problem with deforestation is that there was already a rush to clear land for all sorts of uses anyway, so blaming it on corn isn't 100% accurate by any means.  The point is that alternative energy of all sorts can be economic opportuities that will provide jobs, income and stability in many countries and help decrease the need to strip land.  Our role in that will be to continue to develop our own alternative energy infrastructure as well as innovation that we can export.

    But it is going to continue to be a problem for some time to come, and other nations will have to be voluntary participants.

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