
Stopping a Premature pimple

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i can feel a few pimples coming on in a few.. unfortunate places. like the side of my nose and right on the end of my nose, and under my lip.

is there a home remedie i can do to stop them from coming??

thanks in advance




  1. Dab a spot or spots of white toothpaste on em at bedtime!

  2. yeah, i get those all the time. for premature pimples the best thing to is actually just to wash your face as usual. but make sure to scrub harder in problem areas. below also works for premature pimples i have found, minus the pushing the cotton balls together on the pimple. hope i could help!!!!!

    Gather all materials beforehand -- see "Things You'll Need" below. You might want to store them in a waterproof resealable bag, such as Ziploc. I'd recommend wearing either old clothes or a bathrobe over whatever you are wearing. There is a definite possibility this is going to spill. After you have found everything on you checklist, head to a large, flat, waterproof surface. This is probably your bathroom. Having this room be private is highly advised; you can't just say, "Get out, I'm flattening a pimple," can you?

    Things You'll Need

    - 3 or more cotton balls

    - Lukewarm tap water

    - Cup to hold the water in

    - Salt

    The Method

    1. Salt the water thoroughly -- much more than you think it needs.

    2. Dip one cotton ball in the salt water.

    3. Wait for 30 - 60 seconds.

    4. Squeeze out excess water out until it is damp, but not dripping.

    5. Place the damp cotton ball over your large, oh-my-goodness-I-cannot-go-to-... zit. If you have several of these grouped together, try to place the cotton ball over them all.

    6. Glance at your watch/clock. Wait exactly three minutes.

    7. Remove the cotton ball after the time is up. The zit seems to be nearly gone, but it is only the top that has dissolved. Your acne is still there.

    8. Take the other two cotton balls and place them on either side of the despised pimple.

    9. Slowly, move them closer together until the tiny bump is flattened. Congrats! You've just conquered that giant of a pimple -- forever!

    10. Apply honey on the infected area & go to sleep!!


    *Don't forget the last 3 steps -- they are crucial.

    *Be sure to follow these steps closely. Dipping a cottonball in fresh water as opposed to salt will not work, for instants.

    * You might want to bring a book -- either waterproof or one that you do not care about being splattered in water. Those three minutes can get boring.

    * This is your best bet for monster zits that simply sneak up on you. For long-term healthy skin, cleansing and toning is also important.

    good luck!!!!

  3. *Make sure not to pop your pimples, let them go away on their own. Yes, it can be kind of frustrating to have them, but try to learn to deal with them for a few days or weeks so you don't end up with the scars again.

    *When you get the pimples, take an egg white and rub on your skin every night until the pimples go away. You can leave it on for 15-20 minutes or overnight. It's best to leave it on overnight, the results are much better! Hope this information helped!

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