
Stopping and waiting for a pedestrian to get to the sidewalk?

by  |  earlier

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Well, when I took my driver's training, my instructor said I could instantly fail if a pedestrian jay walked across the street and I did not stop AND wait for their foot to hit the opposite sidewalk...Now, when I took my drive test for the first time, I did that exact thing BUT my examiner started to yell at me for waiting for the pedestrian to get to the sidewalk...Are you supposed to wait for them to get to the sidewalk or just go when they are 'off' the road? I am taking the test again tomorrow and wanted to see if anyone knew before I get in the car again. Thank you!




  1. Honk and give them the finger for jaywalking. No just kidding. When they are out of your way you go as to not hold up traffic.

  2. Wait till the person is completely off the road and as for your examiner well he or she needs to learn the rules of the road.

  3. Next time, yell out "Holy c**p:, and point behind the examiner, like a helicopter is about to crash on his side of the car, floor it, and flatten the pedestrian.  Works every time!


    Seriously, you don't say how wide the road is, but, if you are in the curb lane, you have to wait for the pedestrian to get on the curb.  You don't give enough information to properly answer the question.

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