
Stores are Wanting to get Rid of Plastic Bags / Sacks?

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Some stores and cities (LA) are wanting to ban plastic bags, because of pollution / trash problems and charge for paper bags. I don't know if this is a reasonable solution or just an attempt to appear concerned and green. When you consider the amount of plastic in the six or so bags required to take home your groceries it must be less than an ounce. Then look at the plastic used in one 2 liter bottle... about the same. I was just reading that LA thinks the bags are a litter problem and clog storm drains etc, but that is a problem with litter in general. What about all the fast food wrappers and cups that end up on the street? Will we next need to bring our own cups and plates? I believe in recycling and do my share, but this is a weird place to start. Why not ban those "lunchables" type kids meals where you get 6 ounces of food in six ounces of plastic. You should see the amount of garbage produced from a lunchroom in our Colorado schools, even paper trays are tossed and not recycled.




  1. It doesn't bother me as much that stores would like you to buy cloth bags and use them. After all you keep using them, and they don't charge us for plastic bags here. The problem isn't plastic bags as much as litter bugs in general. If they don't have plastic bags they will use something else. What bothers me is the attacks on the Plastic Industry. The INDUSTRY ISN'T SUPPORTING POLLUTION. Where is the attacks on Paper and Cardboard Industries for their pollution? Anyway Plastic takes "forever" to decompose. Rather then pick up the bags people whine they are there. People are so terrible about pollution. Oh I didn't put it there so I'm not picking it up, I'm just going to whine that it is there.

  2. Well, there are a lot of things you can do to reduce trash, but I gotta say, the plastic bags need to go.

    You can make paper bags just as easy as plastic ones, and they biodegrade.  Plus the paper ones hold up to more of a beating.

    Every time I go to the hardware store they automatically double bag every single thing I buy.  When I say "Oh, I won't need a bag," sometimes they actually get offended!  It's ridiculous, I go in to get three tools, and come out with six bags.  As soon as I step out the door, all six bags, and the packages the tools came in go into a trash can, and the tools go in my d**n pocket.

    I can go to two stores, and shop for five things that'll fit in my pockets, and come back home with nine plastic bags.

  3. Well one reason is because they do get thrown on the ground alot, but another reason is because they don't decompose very quickly it can take years to decompose and because the ink can hurt the o-zone.

  4. go get a bag and clean up the world, do you want paper or pl.

  5. "Will we next need to bring our own cups and plates?" This is a good idea as well. According to your own accords the amount of trash period is voluminous. If we do nothing at all eventually the world is going to look like of the WALL-E movie is not worse, i.e. Venus.

    In any case we need to change the way we operate in this modern world. Without figuring out how to recycle most what we will produce we will literally run out of land fill space. Look at what is happening in the Napoli region of Italy. Literally riots over getting rid of the trash, and there is no where to go because of over filled landfills.

    My suggestion is to praise the idea of taxing and or banning the plastic sack and hope more ideas like this will come along. It is not too much trouble to buy a tote and leave it in the car, bike, house, whatever and take it with you. I feel more good about myself when doing such than any amount of entitlement can give me from wantonly using bags unnecessarily.

  6. Ya, you're right...I heard that stores are going to start charging people 25 cents per plastic grocery bag to encourage people to bring reusable bags for their groceries. I'm all for recycling and being Eco-friendly, but this is ridiculous!!

  7. I live in an area where they've really started encouraging the use of reuseable bags, and I've been impressed at how quickly they've caught on. I find it to be a nice and easy way of making one more small change - I just keep the bags in my car, and even have a small foldup one in the diaper bag for the unanticipated stops.

    The bags I use were purchased at a church fundraiser, and they're very lightweight but strong.  They were actually recycled from old plastic bags, which is cool.

    I agree that there are a lot of other changes that could be made, too, but I think the catch is that they require corporations to change.  Governments are often reluctant to require businesses to do things, but it's relatively easy to legislate the consumers.  Think about it - one city council can't tell Oscar Mayer to do something, but they can legislate what happens at the local grocery store.

  8. i think its a nice place to start, i was in holland in may and i went to the food store everyone brings there own bags, i was feeling pretty stupid not having one, its so nice a tiny thing to do to help out, I don't buy over packaged food and bring my own bags sometimes when i can think of it, or i ask for no bag and just pile the stuff in my trunk , silly but it helps

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