
Stores similar to Spencer's in/near Oshawa?

by Guest65639  |  earlier

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I live in Oshawa Ontario, and the closest Spencer's gift shop from here that I know of is in Pickering. Are there any other shops in the Oshawa area where I can get incense, posters, random accessories, etc?

Thanks :)




  1. Well I know first off go to the Oshawa Centre.

    A store called the Green Earth will have Insense and alot of other really neat stuff. THan I beleive on the same level and across the hall, but back into the mall a little their is a store, I think it is Called San Diego(could be wrong about that) anyways there is a store there, and is most definately the clostest thing you will get to a Spencers in the area. Really cool store. Check it Out!

    Good luck

  2. sorry i can't answer your question, but i live in oshawa too and just wanted to say hi!

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