
Stories about your town?

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does anbody have stories like spooky scary ones or very strange odd ones about your town/city?




  1. well i live in a big city so usually there are none, but my familys irish and supposively one night while everyone was drinking a cloacked man that noone knew came into the pub they were in and started a fight with the bartender. he had fire red hair and eyes and noone saw until he was leaving but he had hooves for feet. i mean this did happen in ireland and they were drinking but they way they told me was pretty believeable .. my great grandparents were there. they think it was the devil and even till today when my grandparents go back to ireland they won't go to the pub.  

  2. The city of St. Louis has a place called the Lemp Mansion. It was owned by a very wealthy family who, before prohibition owned the largest brewery in St. Louis (later surpassed by the Busch Brewery after prohibition.) Prohibition caused it to go out of business. Over a period of about 20 years or more, several members of this family, I think about 4 all, committed suicide in this mansion. I think something like 2 or maybe 3 in the same room at different times. The mansion now is a resturant. There are many stories of strange things going on in that place. The sound of footsteps in areas where there is nobody (much of the house is closed off and only part is open to the public) The sound of horses in what was once a courtyard used like a driveway. People who work there say they will be the only one in an area and objects move from one place to another. Local TV stations usually do stories about it around Halloween. Of course, some people MIGHT just be saying things to get on TV, but it always makes for good Halloween stories.

  3. My town had a guy that kept two sisters locked up in his house for years and he had goulged out their eyes and tortured them. No one in the village ever knew about it until someone came by when he wasn't home and discovered the girls when the yelled out. He's dead now.

  4. My county has a legend about a woman called Moll Dyer.

    We were the first place settled in Maryland way back in the 1600s, and they say that a witch called Moll Dyer came over from Ireland on one of the boats. One season the farmers had a really bad harvest, and a little girl was found dead in the woods. The townspeople blamed Moll Dyer and chased her through the woods during a snow storm, and burned down her house. When they finally found her she was frozen solid with one hand resting on a stone and the other raised towards heaven, as if praying. When they pulled her off the stone, there was a permanent imprint from her hand in it.

    Even today you can go to the town square and put your hand on the imprint in the stone, and they say that you can see Moll Dyer walking through the woods at night if you drive by the area where she used to live.

    It's a very cool story if you ask me.

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