
Storing my clothing?

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I am moving overseas for six months and I want to store my clothes without harming them. I have a rather large vintage coat collection too.

I don't live at home, so I can't just keep them with my family.

Any suggestions on how best to store them.





  1. i say space bags also for your regualar clothes

  2. ~~The safest storage I know of would be the space bags. They say no bugs can get in, waterproof, plus you can load in so many and vacuum out the air so they take much less room, don't get dusty or smelly. You can buy them online at and  just enter space bags in their search boxes. I believe you can still buy them at Bed Bath and Beyond as well as Linen N things also.~~  

  3. try space bags they protect from water bugs and basicly every thing u put them in this bag and suck out all the air with a vacuum they work rele good just dont over stuff them

  4. Wool needs to be put in a cedar chest to keep moths from making holes in them.  I think you can get garment bags that stop moths.  Another good way is to put in plastic bags where you suck the air out with a vacuum cleaner.  You fold clothes and put them in the bag.
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