
Storm question please answer!?!

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hi im a 13 year old boy from nova scotia . about ten minutes ago I saw a bright white flash in my house. like lightning only inside. then 5 seconds later a huge boom. It was lounder then normal thunder that I hear. sorta like an explousion. i went upstairs and one of the tables looked like it was moved but im not sure. about 2 minutes later another flash of lightning came put this one didnt look like it was in my house an the thunder wasnt as loud my parents are not home and they wont be for an hour i was wondering if I should turn off the computer and tv?




  1. The temperature in a lightning strack approaches that of the temperature of the sun.So it is very much like heating the air untill it explodes. Each strike produces about 200 lb. of NO2 . This is an excelent fertelizer.  

  2. It may have been a phenomenon known as ball lightning here is a basic understanding from wiki  

  3. Whether inside or outside, if it was that close, unplug them and read a book.  The bad news, The pulse from a large enough discharge can damage them anyway.

  4. You have ghosts my friend. Poltergeists.

    They want you to stay away from drugs.  They're bad unkay.

  5. There are some Thunderstorm Warnings in your area. It's lightning and thunder. Good idea to shut down the computer.

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