
Stormers are my team...but what is wrong with them?

by Guest63401  |  earlier

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they are good on paper,but why arent they performing?is it the coach?




  1. It is psychological at this point.  They've lost so many games they shouldn't have at this point, the players are giving up on the season.  You can see it in the way they play.  When they have a scoring opportunity, they are lazy about it and don't attack.  On defense, they will stand up for a few phases, but if the ball isn't turned over, they will give up and start making sloppy tackles that get broken.

    It's too bad, because Skalk is one of the best open-side flankers I've seen in a long time.  It would help if they had a fullback.

  2. I think there are too many players from the Cape in the team.  They should get some players from the Orange Free State (CATS) like they used to..... Don't be angry OK?  (Big Smile)

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