
Story Idea?

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Can someone help me with a story idea? I want to write a story about girls (between the ages of 15 and 22) who live in a dorm together. I want to either follow their normal lives or have have some fantasy. I'm not sure.

I figured I'd base the main character off of this design (though if it's a story following the everday lives, she'll lose the wings and tail):

It's not a very good drawing and I did it a long time ago, but I like the design.

Can anyone help me come up with a good stroyline? I'll give you credit and all that. Just give me a basic outline to the story and tell me if it's fantasy or realistic.

Note: I do want it in a manga-style. So like, if someone gets hit hard enough, they can go soaring through th sky no matter which direction I go in.

Will anyone help me?




  1. In the sprawling metropolis of New York, a young brooding hero accidentally finds battlesuit/combat mecha and must fight crazed army officer while an alien ship overcomes  '50's monster movie style resistance and occupies the earth and wins.

  2. Erm, you can try something like action/adventure w/ teachers and everything, the school's gonna shut down, for example. And they don't have families, or unhappy at home, so they must do something to prevent that happening. That was realistic. As for the fantasy one, you can just use the realistic plot and add some unrealistic things to it, like a magic school, or they being magical and trying to hide it from othersi or the school being in threat from magical people. You know, something like WITCH... Hope I helped!! (Though I do know that all of the things I suggested are pretty cliché but hopefully they at least got you thinking)
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