
Story help please :(?

by  |  earlier

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I am writing story, and i am pretty well into it, but I can't seem to find a place to fit the characters descriptions. I am already 34 pages into it and my mom is friends with a publisher and I need to send him something soon, but I don't want to just have there descriptions on the side and say "Here you go couldn't find a place to put it" so, any ideas.

And ahead of time thank you all soo much ^w^




  1. This is kind of an awkward question. Hmm. How about gradually adding the character's description's in? Or when a spot in the book brings up something that might have anything to do with a part of a character's description, add a little. Don't get too detailed though, no exact heights or weights or how many eyelashes on each eye. ;) Just enough to make the reader imagine.

  2. Its hard to answer that without reading the story to see where descriptions would fit in the best. (That's where editing comes in)

  3. well you weave it into the story. like put bits and pieces into it. NEVER put the whole description into one paragraph like

    she was six foot five with long wavy chocolate hair. she had emerald eyes and skinny like a model.

    that sounds like a dating personal.

  4. I'm sorry i'm not sure what you're asking..

  5. One of the most boring things in the world is a book that takes time to describe each character. I honestly don't care which characters have auburn hair or pretty green eyes.

    People like books because they get to use their imagination. If you describe all the characters's looks, you're taking away from the reader's experience. I'm not saying it's not okay to add how gawky one guy was or how beautiful some girl was, but leave the details to the readers.

    Just to show you what I mean, would you really want to read a book like this:

    "Hi," the boy behind me said. He had a nice smile with dimples. His hair was a dark brown, and it contrasted well with his blue eyes. His hair waved down past his ears, which were slightly large. He looked incredibly handsome, although normally I wouldn't have liked a guy with such a pale complexion.

    Not only does it sound forced, but it's dull and unnecessary. And why would you want to rob the readers of their imaginations? If we wanted to know what the characters looked like, we'd go to the movies.


  6.    In my opinion, the best time to describe characters is when you introduce them. After all, if your readers were being introduced to them in person that's when they would see them. You might start out with a little something like, 'a strand of dark brown hair swept across her cheek' and then move on later to, 'she had a checkered past, etc.' or 'she had quite the temper'. Let the readers get to know the character gradually, you don't have to do it all at once. Little physical hints, then little emotional hints, that's my advice.

  7. is the story being told by one person's point of view?

    because then, you could just describe the person after that person is first introduced to the audience. the main character will be described by the way he/she handle's situations in the book, and the way they talk.

    for example: (this is off the top of my head)

    " 'hey a**face!'

    uhh. it was francis. francis was a terible kid. he's much smaller than me, but he is a bully in his own right. i guess he is just really angry, and i'm pretty sure that his family is poor. and its a good thing i know that because if i ever needed to, i could just bring that up and he would probably start crying."

  8. I would Ask your mom or did you already ask your mom well ask a pro if you need help in a story like that  or if you need on line help like me i think that you need to ask a pro.

  9. sounds like writers block. try brain storming. I know what is like but I am trying to write a historical fiction/romance/ drama book but I am not that good at English so yea. But make a time line thats what I am doing. Uh can u plz answer my question;...

  10. Don't force anything.  Don't just stick a description in there because you feel like it needs to be there.  

    What kind of description are you trying to include?  Is it physical or personality?  If it's physical, you can just throw in a few adjectives wherever they seem to fit like "I twirled my BROWN hair" or "she looked at him with her GREEN eyes" or "His ANGULAR jaw clenched in frustration."  

    If you're looking to describe their personality, it's better to show it rather than say it.  Don't say a person is arrogant, show it in their actions and words.  


    He was always very arrogant

    GOOD: (well, better)

    "That's beneath me" he said with a haughty air.

    I Hope that helped!
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